Universities That Accept Third Class for Masters in Germany in 2024

It’s okay if you are in a third class and looking to study in Germany. By the end of this post, you will understand why I say it’s okay. Germany is generally a good study destination, and the way the education system is structured here does not rely only on your GPA. So, in this post, we will list out some of the universities that accept third class for Masters in Germany. Just to be clear, it’s not really about universities but rather the particular course you want to study. So, the competitiveness of the program will determine if you can be admitted with a 3rd class.

Yes, let me say it again, if you have a third-class degree, you can indeed come to Germany to pursue your Masters directly. Or, you can need to take a preparatory course for about 3 to 6 months before your Masters. Every university has programs you need perfect grades for and programs that anyone can get in.

Absolutely, you can begin your studies here. It’s not an issue. German university websites do not mention any general GPA you need for admission. It’s usually program-specific, and some programs are just open to all.

We’ve seen many students come to Germany with a third-class degree and start their studies here. The requirements can vary significantly. The educational landscape is always changing, with different requirements for different programs. You’ll also need work experience because it certainly helps.

Universities That Accept Third Class for Masters in Germany

So, you are going to steer clear of top-end schools like Gottingen due to competition. You need to start with medium-ranked universities. Also, you’ll look into your specific program at these universities to be sure they teach in your preferred language. Some Masters degrees are taught in English and require zero German, while others are taught in German (or a mix of German and English). I wrote about universities in Germany that teach in English, so you might want to check this out if you are an English student. That said, let’s list out the universities where you will focus your research to find universities that accept third class for Masters in Germany.

  1. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
  2. University of Stuggart
  3. Technical University of Munich
  4. University of Siegen
  5. University of Kassel
  6. University of Oldenburg
  7. University of Cologne
  8. University of Passau
  9. University of Münster
  10. Hannover Medical School
  11. University of Kaiserslautern
  12. University of Magdeburg
  13. Ulm University
  14. University of Greifswald
  15. Universität zu Lübeck
  16. Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  17. Goethe University Frankfurt
  18. TU Darmstadt
  19. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
  20. Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
  21. University of Mannheim
  22. University of Stuttgart
  23. Jacobs University Bremen
  24. Leuphana University Lüneburg
  25. Ilmenau University of Technology

So, these universities actually offer courses that are open to all applicants (irrespective of your GPA). You will have to narrow down and see if the specific Masters courses have requirements that restrict 3rd class. Otherwise, you can apply for admission and get it.

Also, I looked for a tool that would help you convert your GPA to Germany’s system. So, I found one offered by the Technical University of Munich. This is the tool – use it to convert your current grade to the German system. Then, you’ll know what your GPA translates to in Germany.

How to Study with 3rd Class in Germany

1. Find a Masters Programs and Look Up Its Requirements

I have mentioned earlier that here in Germany, you don’t just get into a university. Instead, you get into a specific program, and each one has its own set of requirements. So, start by finding programs that catch your eye and look up what you need to get in. It all depends on the program you want to study. Let’s say you are thinking about med school. You may need a GPA of 1.0 or even 0.7 (the German system), depending on the university’s program. Law school usually looks for something around the 1.0 mark. Let me explain something. First, below is the German grade system.

  • A+ equals 1
  • A equals 2
  • B equals 3
  • C equals 4
  • D equals 5
  • E equals 6

Now, let’s just say that you have a GPA of 1.50 in a 4.0 grade system. In the German system (which you’ll see in the tool I have shared above), this will be 3.5. Therefore, your grade is a ‘B’, and at worst, a ‘C’. So, you see, it’s not even as bad as you think. This is why a third-class could still see you in a Masters in Germany.

Now, most science programs don’t really look at grades in some of these universities as long as the course is not competitive. You just have to do your research while going through the courses on the university’s website. What about computer science? Well, it depends on the specific area of study. Some programs will only require a GPA of 3, which you already qualify for.

Generally, the more people want in, the higher the grade requirements tend to be because of the competition. Each university’s faculty sets its own requirement for who gets into their programs. They have to tell you what those rules are, usually on their website, like this University of Stuggart.

The only way to really know if you can get into a program is to check these requirements yourself. For example, TU Munich uses a scoring system for its MSc Informatics and MSc Data Engineering and Analytics programs. Score 70 or more, and you are in directly. If you secure between 50 and 69, and you are looking at an interview round.

2. Find Out Which Programs You Are Eligible For

You need to look at their specific admission criteria. Take TU Munich’s MSc Informatics and MSc Data Engineering and Analytics programs as examples. They use a scoring system where a score of 70 or more means you’re directly admitted. If you score between 50 and 69, you’ll have to go through an interview.

Here’s how the scoring works:

  • Bachelor’s Curriculum (0-55 points). This part checks how much of the required coursework for these programs you’ve completed during your Bachelor’s degree, whether as mandatory courses or electives. If your previous coursework matches the required competencies closely, you can get up to 55 points. Points are deducted for any missing competencies based on the credit value of the corresponding modules in the Informatics Bachelor’s program at TU Munich. You won’t get negative points for missing competencies.
  • Final Grade (0-20 points). For this criterion, TU Munich looks at the top two-thirds of your grades, using the German grading system. You gain points based on how much better your average grade is compared to a 3.0 in the German system, with one point for every tenth of a grade improvement over 3.0, based on the average of exams that count for 120 credits (or two-thirds of the exams needed for your degree). There’s no consideration for post-bachelor’s achievements here.
  • Statement of Purpose/Letter of Motivation (0-10 points). Points are awarded for showing qualifications that go beyond what you learned in your undergraduate degree. This could include things like program-related work experience, internships, or time spent studying abroad. They’re looking for a clear connection between your personal qualifications and the program’s content.
  • Scientific Essay (0-15 points). You’ll need to write a 1,000-word essay on one of the topics they provide.

3. Look for Programs Without NC

In Germany, when you want to go to university, you don’t just get accepted into the university itself. Instead, you apply to study a specific degree. There’s a system in place because sometimes there are more people who want to study than there are spots available. This is known as NC (Numerus Clausus). It is a fancy Latin way of saying ‘limited number’. It means that for some courses, the number of people applying is higher than the number of spots they have. Now, you have to look for the NC. It is typically posted on the websites of each degree program or their university page. If the NC is higher than 2.9, you won‘t get in, if it‘s lower or there is no NC, you will get in.

There are about 9,644 bachelor’s degree programs where this rule doesn’t apply, meaning anyone who’s allowed to study in Germany can choose these degrees. You can find all these open admission programs here.

Would You Want to Study in Germany After Your Master’s or PhD?

Let me share something that not many people talk about when it comes to academic questions and that’s jobs. Perhaps the main reason you want to do your Masters in Germany is to stay back and work here. We often think, “I’ll deal with the job part later; let me just focus on getting admitted first.”

In Europe, each country has its own language, and English isn’t as widely spoken, except maybe in capital cities and tourist areas. So, if you are able to speak German, it is a huge advantage. In fact, many companies prefer to receive CVs and cover letters in their own language. A lot of jobs here also have language requirements. So, if you can, take some time to learn German up to a B2 level before admission. Then, looking for jobs will make your life much easier. Even if you don’t find a full-time job, you can find part-time work or opportunities in other fields while you continue to apply for new positions. This is definitely better than ending up jobless. Many people end up having to return home because they can’t find work.

Also, don’t think you’ll just pick up the German language once you are here. No, it doesn’t really work out, as you’ll be too busy with your studies.


So, that’s it, and this is probably the best guide you’ll find on this topic. I have listed out 25 universities that accept third class for Masters in Germany. You can start your research from here until you find the perfect program at the perfect university.

The education systems in Germany and countries like the US, UK, Australia, and Canada are quite different. In the latter countries, your GPA is a major factor in getting accepted into programs. But in Germany, while GPA does matter, they consider your internships and how closely your bachelor’s degree relates to the master’s program you are applying to. If your degree is in STEM and you apply for a marketing master’s, chances are you won’t get in with a third class. Also, any past activities that tie into the master’s program, like certificates or seminars you’ve attended, are very important. So, even if your GPA isn’t the highest, it’s not the end of the road in Germany.

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