How to Transfer Credits from One Community College to Another

There are many reasons students decide to transfer credits from one community college to another. Whatever your reason, it is very possible to complete the transfer between two community colleges (CC). However, you may have to redo a couple of courses, otherwise, not all your credits transfer over.

The process of transferring and the questions that come with it are usually the same for everyone. Now, let’s go through the steps involved in transferring colleges.

How to Transfer Credits from One Community College to Another

So, you need to know the correct steps having known that it is possible. Generally, you apply to the second school just like you would if transferring to a university. Follow the steps below to transfer credits from one community college to another.

1. Discuss Credit Transfer with Your Current College’s Counselor

First, schedule a meeting with a counselor at your current college to inform them of your intention to transfer. During this meeting, you’ll need to go over the articulation agreement. This agreement will help you to understand how your college courses will be transferred to your new institution.

Many community colleges have pre-arranged articulation agreements with certain partner schools. Legally, your current college is required to give you a list of these partner schools, if they exist.

Let’s say you attend a community college in North Carolina. You’ll want to look into the Comprehensive Articulation Agreements (CAA). These agreements ensure that specific courses can be transferred to any state university in North Carolina that accepts your transfer application, or to any of the state’s independent four-year colleges and universities.

For instance, under the CAA, if a student transfers to a University of North Carolina school, up to 64 semester hours can be transferred. There may also be special agreements between two-year and four-year colleges in North Carolina or other states, allowing for the transfer of additional credit hours. Just make sure to hold a good conversation with your counselor to fully understand this process and to know exactly which of your credits will be transferable.

2. Consult with a Counselor at Your Prospective CC

After determining which classes are likely to transfer, have a conversation with an admissions counselor at the college you plan to transfer to. This step will help both you and the new school stay aligned and that all the courses you intend to transfer are eligible. Remember that under the Comprehensive Articulation Agreements (CAA), only courses where you have earned a grade of ‘C’ (equivalent to a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or higher are transferable.

Also, transfer students are required to maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0. Some schools might have stricter requirements, demanding a higher overall GPA from transfer students or a specific minimum number of transferable credits.

You might have the opportunity to transfer more credits if you have completed a certain number of hours or have obtained a degree, such as an associate degree. In North Carolina, several colleges and universities offer guaranteed transfer programs with affiliated two-year colleges. So, when you complete your associate degree through these programs, you are assured your admission into a four-year institution for your bachelor’s degree.

3. Submit Application and Transcripts to the New College

Apply to the new college and when asked, send your transcripts. When applying to transfer credits from one community college to another, try to be early rather than late. Make sure to find out if the community college you are transferring to has any specific deadlines for transfer students. You should also contact the registrar’s office at your current college well before the deadline. Give them the precise address where your college transcripts need to be sent. This ensures that your academic records reach the new college in time for your application review.

4. Get in Touch with the Financial Aid Office at Your Future College

Transferring to a new college can affect your student financial aid situation. What you want to do is check with the financial aid office at your new college whether the financial aid you received at your previous college will carry over. Remember, any federal financial aid you received via the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) won’t automatically transfer to your new school. You’ll need to update your FAFSA form to include the new college, even if you have already submitted the form.

For federal loans, note that both Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans will go into repayment status as soon as you transfer. However, there’s no need to worry. You can request an in-school deferment, which, if granted, means you won’t have to start repaying your loans while you are still studying. If you have private student loans, reach out to your loan provider to understand how transferring might affect your loan status.

Can You Transfer Credits to  Another Community College Out of State?

Certainly, you can transfer your credits from the Community College you are at now to other community colleges outside your state. Just send your official transcript to the new community college in the state you are moving to and check with them to see which of your courses they’ll accept. Not all community college courses are transferable, but usually, the general education ones are.

However, even if your courses are transferred to the new Community College or University, they might not all count towards your degree. That’s why you need to think ahead about the courses you are taking now and how they fit into your degree plan. Some courses might transfer to your new college but not be relevant to your degree.

So, it’s really better to complete all your general courses while you are still at the Community College. Also, think about the university and major you want to pursue in the future. After all, your main aim is to complete your undergraduate degree at a university.

Does Your GPA Transfer from One Community College to Another?

When you transfer from one community college to another, your GPA from the first school isn’t carried over. However, when you apply to four-year colleges, they will see all the courses you’ve taken at both schools. The GPA at each college isn’t the main focus. Instead, your overall GPA is calculated based on all the courses you’ve completed.

It’s Harder if You Change Your Major

If you stay in the same major, like if you moved, then transferring will be simpler. If you switch to a totally different major, then probably only your general education courses will transfer. You might be able to count some of your previous classes as electives, but there’s a chance you’ll end up with a lot of extra college credits because transferring made you change your degree programs.

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