Strayer University Free Laptop

Not many universities support your academic journey, however, Strayer University does. At Strayer, you get a free laptop for study. So, in this post, I will show you how I have been able to apply and get my own Strayer University free laptop. Note that this free laptop is for new or returning bachelor’s students.

You will get a brand-new laptop when you join our online programs following this guide. This laptop comes with Microsoft software installed, so no need to look for discounts on that. Once you finish the first three quarters of your classes, the laptop becomes yours to keep. However, one student is only eligible for one Strayer free laptop.

Strayer University Free Laptop

Strayer’s laptop offer can change without notice. It seems the free laptop from Strayer Univerity is pre-loaded with bloatware and you have to use a student login to access it. This could mean that you might be blocked from using it on certain websites or at least your access to those sites could be logged.

How to Get Strayer University Free Laptop

  1. Apply for a bachelor’s degree at any Strayer University location, including online options.
  2. Ensure you have a minimum of six courses left in your program. Enroll in any season of 2024, but remember to finish three out of the first four quarters. If not, either return the laptop or face a $350 fee.
  3. Go through the laptop agreement form that your admissions officer will send via DocuSign.
  4. Sign the form and send it back to confirm your acceptance of the laptop program’s terms.
  5. Await an email from our laptop provider, Microtek. When it arrives, confirm your delivery address.

Handle your laptop with care. Each Strayer Univeristy student is entitled to just one laptop. Strayer won’t replace it if it’s damaged, lost, or stolen.

Students with Employer-sponsored Tuition

If your tuition is sponsored by a company, there might be some specific rules to follow. Students who receive tuition assistance from Verizon or Verizon Wireless can borrow a laptop, but they need to follow the terms mentioned in the Verizon and Verizon Wireless laptop loaner agreement. If anything is unclear, your admissions officer is there to help and answer any questions you might have.

Who is Not Qualified?

The Strayer University free laptop offer doesn’t apply to:

  1. Continuing students.
  2. Employees of Strategic Education, Inc. and its subsidiaries. This also includes family members living in the same house as these employees.
  3. Students joining through Strayer@Work or Degrees@Work.
  4. Students who have previously used the Fall Term On Us or SEI Friends & Family $15K Bachelor’s offers.
  5. Strayer University won’t deliver laptops to places outside the main part of the United States.

Strayer University free laptop

All laptop returns must follow the rules set out in the laptop agreement.

How Long Do You Have to Sign the Free Strayer Laptop Agreement?

You have 8 weeks from the beginning of your classes to sign and send back your laptop agreement form and confirm your delivery address. Outside this given time, you won’t be able to get the Strayer University free laptop anymore.

When Will You Get Your Laptop?

Microtek, Strayer University’s partner company, sends out laptops roughly 3 weeks before your first term starts. They use this time to ensure your laptop is set up with the right software for your studies. Once you get your laptop, just turn on the software, and you’ll be all set to start.

What if You Have Not Received Your Laptop?

If you have done everything mentioned earlier and still don’t have your Strayer University free laptop, notify your admissions officer or campus director. Remember, Microtek won’t send out laptops until 3 weeks before classes start.

Final Thoughts

You need to join classes for 3 out of your first 4 quarters at Strayer University to keep the free laptop. Otherwise, you will either have to return the laptop or pay some money. If you are studying at Verizon, the laptop is borrowed and not free. You will need to return the laptop when you finish your degree or if you leave Strayer University.

Read alsoUniversity of Phoenix Free Laptop

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