Spain Student Visa Interview Questions and Answers

If you have decided that Spain will be your study destination, congrats on a solid choice. Now, it’s time to obtain a student visa. However, you would have to beat the interview by convincing the embassy that you deserve this visa. The good news is that as of 2024, the Spain student visa approval rate is approximately 97%, which is only a 3% rejection rate. None of us wants to belong in that rejected 3%. As a result, I have made this guide with the most common Spain student visa interview questions and answers to help you get prepared.

So, I have tried to pick those top questions that are frequently asked by the visa officers, and I hope I don’t miss any that will help you pass the interview. These questions are repeatedly asked at the embassy, so let’s get started with the questions.

Spain Student Visa Interview Questions and Answers

Spain Student Visa Interview Questions and Answers

1. Why Did You Choose Spain?

This question is commonly asked by diplomatic offices to visa applicants, often before they get into more personal questions. I found that the embassy begins with this question for them to understand why you picked Spain for your studies and not your home country or any other country. The official is trying to know how your decision aligns with your future career or plans. Another reason for this question is to verify that your travel plans to Spain are genuine and well-founded.

A lot of students make mistakes when answering this particular question. It’s simple, but if you don’t have a clear-cut reason, you might pass the impression that you want to do more than study in Spain which a study visa is valid for.

You are going to make sure that your responses align with the information in your previously submitted application and that you come across as sincere in your answers. You need to convincingly explain that your decision to study in Spain is driven by opportunities that you cannot find in your home country.

2. Why Have You Decided to Study this Course?

This is one of the Spain student visa interview questions whereby the visa officer asks due to their interest in learning more about your personality. Yes, they will ask detailed questions about your chosen course. This course should reflect your interests and preferences, and you should be able to thoroughly explain your choice. The officer is particularly interested in the research you have done before applying for this course in Spain. How do you answer this question? It’s simple. When answering this question, be clear and detailed about why you chose this course. Mention your past academic experiences and your future goals to provide a clearer picture of your motivations. That’s all.

3. Why Did You Choose This Particular University?

For your specific course, you have picked a certain university, and the visa officer will want to know why you made this decision. The reason you are applying for this visa type is often due to the university you have been accepted to. Therefore, the visa officer wants to understand the reasoning behind your decision. There are so many universities available in Spain and its neighboring countries, so they need to know what makes this particular university stand out for you and how it meets your requirements. All you have to say is specifically mention the academic benefits this university brings to you. This means you need to have done thorough research about the university before your interview. Highlight any research conducted by its alumni or current students, or any specific lecturers that influenced your decision to apply.

4. How Will You Finance Your Study in Spain?

So, we are in number 4 of the Spain student visa interview questions and answers. Spain already has its fair share of unemployment, so they are not looking to add any more numbers. I believe funding is usually one of the reasons applicants get rejected. The interviewer is curious about your financial situation. They ask this question to confirm that you have sufficient funds to cover your entire stay in Spain.

They are well aware of the country’s typical living expenses, particularly for students. So, they choose to check that you are fully prepared for both living costs and any unforeseen expenses that might arise.

Apart from answering that you have the money, and did your research earlier to determine the cost, you have to show evidence. Let the officer know how you’ll finance your living and educational expenses. For instance, if you have obtained a loan or financial aid, you should present the relevant documents. If your tuition is covered by a scholarship, let them know too. If your parents are sponsoring you, you’ll need to give the interviewer detailed information about how they will fund you.

5. What Are Your Plans After Your Study Duration?

Of all the Spain student visa interview questions, this particular one is the bait of them all. Since you are applying for a student visa, the interviewers will want to understand your intentions post-graduation. A lot of people just stay back to look for a job after their visa expires, so the embassy wants to know what are your potential plans.

They can phrase this question in different ways to ascertain whether you are being honest and precise in your response or not. They are also interested in whether you plan to stay in Spain after your studies or return to your home country, in line with visa regulations. Now, before this interview, think through your answers in advance and be prepared to discuss your plans confidently. The officer expects you to demonstrate certainty in your response. If asked about your post-university intentions, let them know if you plan to return.

These 5 Spain student visa interview questions and answers are the commonest you will encounter. Now, let’s look at an additional list of common questions that you may be asked:

  1. What are your accommodation plans during your stay?
  2. Do you have friends or relatives in Spain or in any other Schengen countries?
  3. Besides your studies, what other activities do you plan to do?
  4. Are you in a marriage or do you have children?
  5. Are you currently employed? If so, where do you work and what is your role?
  6. Have you ever faced arrest or been convicted for any criminal activities?

All these questions are meant to see whether you deserve a study visa or not. For the accommodations, just let them know whether your scholarship covers the cost of living or whether you have money set aside for rent or dorm. If you have family and friends there, let them know about it. It actually gives your interview a boost because having a family could mean that funding won’t really be an issue after all.

Spain Visa Application Process

Let’s go through the typical visa application process that a lot of students have experienced. Once you have celebrated getting into a Spanish university, the next thing to do is apply for a visa. First, you need to get your acceptance letter from the university. This lets you begin the visa application and get in touch with the closest Spanish consulate or embassy.

Spain has two kinds of student visas for Spain, based on how long you’ll be staying for your study.

  1. 180-Day D-Type Visa – For studying between 3 to 6 months.
  2. Student Type-D Visa – For studies lasting more than 6 months.

If you are a U.S. citizen or from a country that doesn’t need a visa for short visits, and you are going to Spain to study for less than 90 days, you don’t need to apply for a student visa.

You have to send your application 1 to 3 months before you go to Spain. Don’t send it more than 90 days early, as they won’t accept it. In addition to your official acceptance letter from the university, you will also need to prepare the following items:

  1. The original and a photocopy of your passport or an equivalent travel document.
  2. Two completed and signed student application forms for Spain, which are available online at no cost.
  3. A comprehensive document detailing your educational background.
  4. Evidence that you have sufficient funds to support yourself throughout your stay and for your return journey home. You should have access to a minimum of approximately $600 per month.
  5. Two passport-sized photographs from the US, ideally the most recent ones.
  6. Documentation proving your medical history and insurance coverage for the entire duration of your stay.
  7. If you are currently in the US, you must provide both the original and a copy of your immigration status document, such as a Green Card, a valid US student visa, or a work permit.
  8. A written authorization from the school to which you have applied. This document should include the name of the program you will be attending, its duration, the school’s address and phone number, and the name of the person who authorized your application, all written in Spanish.

How to Succeed in Spain Student Visa Interview

You are not judged only by how you answer the questions—the least thing as your dressing matters. So, let’s look at some tips you should employ to help you become one of the successful student visa applicants in the interview.

1. Dress Appropriately

No matter what, just dress neatly and smartly. How you look can greatly influence the interviewer’s decision about your visa. Even if you are not a fan of corporate dressing, just try it this one time.

2. Bring All Necessary Documents

It’s even better to be over-prepared for the interview. Sometimes, you might need to support your answers with documents. So, make sure to bring any documents that could be important in your answers.

3. Arrive Early

Late arrival is already a few points off your chance of approval. So, make sure to be a bit early at the interview location. If you arrive early, the interview begins on time, and you will have the time to settle down and get comfortable with the surroundings.

4. Stay Calm

When sitting for the interview, remain calm and try not to be nervous. Think of it as a regular chat with a colleague where you need to answer some simple questions. When responding to questions, avoid giving unnecessary details. Stick to what’s asked and answer that. This is like any other interview, so try to answer all questions truthfully. Don’t hide anything or lie, as this might make the interviewer suspect you have bad intentions.

5. Don’t Argue with the Interviewer

You might face some questions that seem inappropriate or offensive. Remember, the interviewer isn’t trying to demean you. Avoid arguing. This interviewer is only trying to see reasons why don’t deserve to study in Spain. Prove to them that you are a worthy student.


So, we have been able to look at the common Spain student visa interview questions and answers. You don’t need a script to pass a visa interview. In fact, visa officers don’t like it when your answers sound like it’s read from a script. Just be natural and give honest answers.

It takes about 30-60 days to process a student visa for Spain. So, try to apply for your visa right after you get your acceptance letter from the university. If you apply early and get ready for the interview with the information provided above, it will definitely make the process of getting your Spain student visa interview easier for you.

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