Scholarships for female students in Ghana

Scholarships for female students in Ghana are a great way to promote gender equality in education and give young women the tools they need to reach their educational goals. These scholarships give money for your tuition, living expenses, and other costs of school.

Also, these programs often give women the chance to learn from mentors and grow as leaders, as well as help them gain skills and experiences to help with their careers.

Scholarships for female students in Ghana

In Ghana, scholarships for female students have become more common in recent years, as more organizations and people realize how important it is to help women. It used to be hard for women in Ghana to learn due to culture and not having enough money. Today, the story is different as Ghana now enjoys African student scholarships exclusive to women. That said, below are Scholarships for female students in Ghana:

1. Ghana Women in Technology scholarship

The Ghana Women in Technology Scholarship is one of the most well-known scholarships for women in Ghana.

This scholarship is for women who want to work in technology. It gives them money to help pay for their education.

Women who show a strong commitment to their education and promise in their chosen field of study are given scholarships. You can apply for the International University of Applied Sciences or the WAAW Foundation Scholarships for female students in Ghana.

2. African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) scholarship

The African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) Scholarship is another well-known scholarship for women in Ghana.

This scholarship is open to Ghanaian female students who want to work in agricultural research and development. It gives you the money to help pay for your education.

Begin your application process here with AWARD at

3. Women in Science scholarship

The Women in Science scholarship is one of the scholarships for female students in Ghana provided for women who want to work in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math).

This scholarship offers women money for their education and mentorship and networking opportunities to help them get ahead in their careers.

4. West Africa GBV Reporting Fellowship for African women journalists

This scholarship is an African women’s journalism project supported by the International Center for Journalists and the Ford Foundation West Africa.

This organization calls for journalists in Ghana and other countries including Nigeria and Senegal to help women journalists understand the complexity of gender-based violence and exploitation and give them the tools they need to cover gender-related issues.

For the first phase of its program, the AWJP is looking for 60 women journalists who are interested in writing about the level of violence against women in the target countries.

5. Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund)

Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) is also one of the scholarships in Ghana for female students. You can learn more and apply right away.

6. National Council for Women and Development (NCDW)

The National Council for Women and Development (NCWD) is another group in Ghana that gives scholarships to female students. The goal of the NCWD scholarship is to help women who are going to school by giving them money to help cover the cost of their education.

7. Ghana Mastercard Foundation Scholars program

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program gives low-income female students from all over Africa, including Ghana, full scholarships to go to college. This is one of the scholarships in Ghana for female students to apply for as a Ghanaian to help them get that education without paying from their pocket.

8. CyberGirls Fellowship Program for young female Africans

CyberGirls is a fellowship that gives girls cybersecurity skills that are in demand all over the world to female students in Ghana. You can proceed to CyberGirls portal at

This helps them get jobs in Africa and all over the world. This project aims to fight poverty, cybercrime, a lack of cybersecurity skills, unemployment, and a lack of equality between men and women in the tech industry (particularly the cybersecurity niche).

During the one-year fellowship, you will learn about the basics of computing and cybersecurity, as well as different careers in cybersecurity.

Once you choose a career path, they will be put on the right learning path to get hands-on skills, a mentor, help getting ready for the certification, paid internship, and job shadowing opportunities, and if they are old enough, placement in an entry-level job.

9. Intel She Will Connect program

Intel She Will Connect Program gives scholarships to female students in Ghana who want to go into technology or engineering.

This program connects women and girls in Ghana to economic and social opportunities. Intel promises digital literacy training, an online peer network, and more. This program started in sub-Saharan Africa, where the internet gender gap is higher.

10. UNESCO L’Oreal Fellowship Program

Supporting women scientists and giving them career and research opportunities promotes gender equality in science. It also promotes women in science and innovation.

Fellowships finance research, travel, and other fees. Fellows can also share their research at international conferences and receive mentorship and networking.

UNESCO L’Oreal Fellowship applicants must be women from any country pursuing a science PhD or postdoctoral degree. Candidates must also be under 35.

The UNESCO L’Oreal Fellowship program is highly competitive and based on academic excellence, research potential, and the planned research project’s effect. You can get to check for scholarships available to help you make your decision here. The UNESCO sign-up portal can be accessed at

11. UN Women Multi-Country Office West Africa (MCO-WA) scholarship

West African women and girls can study STEM, social sciences, humanities, and the arts in the curriculum.

The scholarships for female students in Ghana require the following:

  • Be a West African citizen in Ghana
  • Attend a West African university or college.
  • Show financial need
  • Show academic promise

The award covers tuition, housing, books, and other educational costs. Scholarships and financial aid vary from year to year.

UN Women MCO-WA website has application instructions for the scholarship. Applicants must submit personal, academic, and referral information.

12. Clooney Foundation Fellowships for Women Lawyers in the Waging Justice for Women Program

Girls can’t get the education they deserve when so-called justice systems allow child marriage but punish pregnant students.

When governments make certain actions illegal based on “morality” but don’t look into widespread sexual violence, they send the message that women should be devalued and defined by what others think of them. And when the legal field makes it harder for women lawyers to get into positions of power, we keep these cycles of discrimination going and make them worse.

Clooney Foundation for Justice’s Waging Justice for Women project is trying to change this by making the law a force for change instead of a tool of oppression. Working with grassroots organizations, we use legal empowerment, strategic litigation, and public advocacy to fight against injustices against women and girls. We work closely with these expert partner organizations to support their work and causes with legal and advocacy help. Interested candidates are to sign up now for the scholarship opportunities via the Clooney portal at

13. MILEAD Fellows Program for young African women 2024

The MILEAD Fellows Program is a long-term, paradigm-shifting leadership development program. Its goal is to find, train, and promote a new generation of young African female leaders so that they can take on important leadership roles across Africa and do well in them. The program is for smart, active young women who want to learn transformational leadership skills that will help them solve problems that affect women and girls all over Africa.

Ghanaian female students in the MILEAD Program get the world-class knowledge, skills, values, and support systems they need to be successful as women leaders in the 21st century. Young African women between the ages of 19 and 25 who live in Africa or the Diaspora can apply.

14. MfWA Digital Literacy and Skills Training Workshop for Women 2024

The Media Foundation for West Africa is putting on a training workshop for women to help them learn how to use technology for their jobs and other activities.

The Digital Literacy and Skills Training Workshop is part of MFWA’s project, “Enhancing Press Freedom, Women’s Digital Rights, and Accountable Governance in Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone,” which is being funded by the Dutch Foreign Ministry through the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ghana.

15. MIASA female academic careers in Africa workshop for African women academics

Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA) is made up of UG and four German partners working together (the University of Freiburg, Goethe University Frankfurt, the German Institute for Global and Area Studies, and the GHIP). The address of the institute is UG, Legon Campus. The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) funds the institute, and UG helps pay for it as well.

The workshop gives people time and space to talk about the problems and opportunities facing African women in academia. Participants from Ghana and other African countries will be led by a professional coach through different modules that focus on

  • how to build up effective teams;
  • how to deal with university hierarchies;
  • how to deal with conflicts at the workplace; and
  • how to continue an academic career with multiple time constraints. The workshop looks at how academic professionals work together.

Scholarships for female students in Ghana not only give young women the tools to reach their full potential but also help their communities, and build successful careers. All you have to do is fill out and submit the application form on the appropriate website. After that, you will receive an email from the various scholarship organizations indicating whether your application has been approved or not. Good luck.

Read AlsoMTN Ghana Bright Foundation Scholarship 2024 Application

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