Russian Student Visa Interview Questions

If Russia is your preferred study destination, you have made a good decision. Despite being so cheap, Russian universities are also some of the best in the world. However, you will have to pass through an interview to be granted a Russian study visa. I mentioned earlier in one of my articles that I’d make a post on how to tackle questions during your student visa interview. Today, we’re looking at the common Russian student visa interview questions you might face. These include questions I’ve been asked, ones my friends encountered, and even those recent arrivals have shared.

Don’t be scared. The 2024 success rate for obtaining a student visa to Russia is typically over 90%, depending on your country. That’s just a 10% rejection rate which is not high at all. So, when you arm yourself with the interview questions, you will know how to better prepare yourself.

Now, I will talk about the questions that pop up often. They’re not difficult questions; you just need to answer confidently and show that you are clear about your plans. First up, you have to dress sharply. Your outfit should make a strong first impression even before you speak. So, dress smartly and then back it up with confidence in your answers. Let’s get into the questions now.

Russian Student Visa Interview Questions

Russian Student Visa Interview Questions

1. Do you know a bit about Russia? Kindly share with us.

The first question you might get is, “Tell us a little about Russia.” This is a major question because they want to see if you have done any research and are familiar with your destination. So, when they ask about Russia, you can mention its location, the colors of the Russian flag, and the name of its president. It’s as simple as that.

2. What is the name of your school?

As part of the Russian student visa interview questions, you will be asked about the name of your school. So, you have to tell the visa officer that—I believe this is something you know already. For example, I would say my school is Stavropol State Medical University. That’s what I’d tell them. And you might want to look up how to say your school’s name correctly. Schools in Russia can have tricky names to pronounce. But since that’s the place you have been accepted to, it’s important to know how to say it right, okay?

3. Who invited you to study in Russia?

Then, they’re going to ask who invited you to Russia. Well, that’s your school, isn’t it? You have an invitation letter, and it clearly says who is inviting you. So, you just need to say the name of your school. You are not going to mention someone else’s name. Just the name of your school, the one on your invitation letter.

4. How long is your course duration?

As part of the Russian student visa interview questions, the next thing they’ll ask is how long your course in Russia will last. If you are heading there for a BSc, you’d say it’s 4 years. For medicine, it’s 6 years. And if it’s a master’s degree you are after, then it’s 2 years. Just be clear about how long you’ll be studying in Russia.

5. Do you plan to work in Russia?

Then, they might ask if you are planning to work or just study in Russia. This one’s a bit tricky because a lot of us would like to work while we’re studying. I consider this one of the most tricky student visa interview questions for Russia. However, do not mention that you are planning to work. Just say your main focus is on your studies, nothing else. Once you are there, you’ll figure out the rest. Remember, this is a study visa and not a work visa. If you say that you plan to work, your student visa will not be approved.

6. How will you fund your education in Russia?

The visa officer will want to know who is going to pay for your education. By this point, you should have a sponsorship letter and a bank statement showing you have the necessary funds, thanks to your sponsor. Make sure to mention who your sponsor is and your relationship with them. They need to know your sponsor is committed to supporting you throughout your stay in Russia.

7. Why did you choose to study at this university?

So, the next thing they’re likely to ask you is why you picked this particular university to study at. Like, if I were to say I chose Starbucks State Medical University, you might mention how the school lines up with what you are looking for. You could talk about how you believe it’ll really add to your knowledge because the tuition is quite affordable. You can talk about how they offer a diploma that’s both prestigious and widely recognized, all at a great price. Just share something impressive, something that’ll make them take notice. Then, they’ll see you really know your stuff. If the school is really prestigious, you can talk about its global rank. Russian universities generally rank high globally. For example, Peking University ranks in the top 20 in the world, according to Times Higher Education.

8. Do you plan to stay in Russia after your studies?

When it comes to whether you plan to stay in Russia after your studies are done, that’s a bit of a tricky one. This visa officer is trying to see if you have an ulterior motive for moving to Russia other than to study. I understand a lot of us might want to stay or even move to another country from there. However, the best response is to say no. They seem to expect you to say yes, only to use that as a reason to reject your visa application. So, just say you don’t plan on staying in Russia. Mention you intend to return to your home country to apply what you have learned in Russia, maybe to help improve the job market or the healthcare sector back home. Answer wisely here. Though we might not be entirely truthful, they mustn’t catch on to that. It’s our little secret. So, no need to mention any plans about moving to another country after your studies. Just stick to saying you’ll return home. Keep that bit of information to yourself.

9. Have you sorted your tuition and accommodation?

So, the next question you might be asked is if all your fees are covered. That includes your tuition, place to stay, and spending money. You could say, “Yes, I’ve got my tuition covered.” Or you might say, “Actually, I’ve got everything sorted—tuition, accommodation, and allowance.” Or perhaps, “I’ve paid my tuition, and I’m also bringing along my accommodation fees and allowance.” So, that’s how you could respond.

10. Will you bring all your documents to Russia?

Then, they might ask if you are bringing your original documents with you. Just say yes to this one because you never know when you’ll need them. It’s just safer to have them on hand, just in case.

11. Do you plan to further your education in Russia?

As part of the Russian student visa interview questions, you will be asked if you plan to further your education in Russia after completing your current degree, whether that’s moving from a bachelor’s to a master’s, or even from a master’s to a Ph.D. You could answer positively, especially if you are considering it because Russia offers good opportunities for that. Just make sure to give them a solid reason for your answer.

12. What do you want to study?

When they ask what you want to study, such as if you are interested in Medicine, you should share your passion. Say, “I want to study medicine because I truly love it.” Always make sure to support your answers with thoughtful and impressive reasons. Don’t just give simple yes or no responses; add something meaningful to your reply to make it stand out.

13. Which city is your university?

The next thing they want to know is where your university is in Russia. They’re asking for the city where it’s located and its exact address. This embassy just wants to be sure that you know your material.

14. How will you travel to Russia?

Then, they’re curious about how you plan to travel to Russia. Essentially, this means figuring out your travel route. You should look up different airlines, such as Emirates, Turkish Airlines, or Qatar Airways, to see their flight paths. For example, with Turkish Airlines, you might fly from Lagos or Abuja to Istanbul, have a 20-hour layover, and then catch another flight to your destination city in Russia. Often, flights will land in Moscow first, and from there, you might catch another flight or take a train to your final city, especially if it doesn’t have an airport. So, the gist is to research online and get a clear idea of your flight options to Russia. Any airline works, just find out their specific routes and stops.

15. Who will come to get you from the airport?

So, another thing to mention, and this is the last question you may be asked, is who will come to get you from the airport. You just need to let the school know when you are arriving, and they’ll arrange for someone to pick you up. That’s it.

These are the common questions they might ask you. They might not ask every person all these questions, but you could get any combination of them, maybe three or so. Remember, the questions often relate to the course you are interested in. For example, if you are going into Medicine, they might ask, “What’s the normal body temperature?” It’s all just showing you are prepared for the course you want to study in Russia.

Tips for Russian Student Visa Interview

So getting your student visa pretty much decides whether you’ll make it to Russia or not. You’ve received your admission letter and completed all the necessary steps; now, it’s time to head to the Embassy. You’re definitely going to be asked some Russian student visa interview questions there, which I have covered all you really need to know.

Bring an identification

Before you go to the Embassy, you bring some form of identification, not just for you but for your sponsor as well. This could be an international passport or a national ID, just make sure it’s legitimate because they’re not going to ask for your sponsorship letter or bank statements anymore. Just be familiar with your sponsor’s details, like their job, if they’ve sponsored anyone before, their earnings, and so on. You need to know all these details. They won’t ask your sponsor to come with you, but if you are a minor or just turned 18, they’ll likely want one or both of your parents to accompany you to the Embassy, just so they know who is sponsoring you.

And for those heading to Russia for post-graduate studies, like your Masters, you’ll start with a language course. Many of you are already quite mature, but they’ll still inquire about any employment history you have. They want to know what you’ve been up to from the time you left school until now. It’s best to tell them you’ve been working, and it’s important to have something to back up that claim; don’t just say you’ve been idle.

Dress nicely

I’ll say it again: dress nicely, speak confidently, and don’t forget to pray. It’s really important to put everything in God’s hands. When I was applying for my visa, I had my own way of dealing with the wait. I would sit outside the embassy, telling myself they would give me my visa. It was a bit dramatic, and I’m not saying you should do the same, but that was my approach. Anyway, I got my visa. Just make sure to pray, double-check that your documents are all in order and submitted properly, and answer the questions well. If you do all that, I don’t see why you would be denied your visa.

Answer the questions confidently

When it’s time for your interview, it’s important to stay calm and confident. I don’t want you to come across as too eager or desperate. They can tell if you are desperate, not just by what you say but also through your actions and the way you carry yourself. Just stay calm and answer the Russian student visa interview questions.

Be knowledgeable about your course

For those of you applying for courses such as Economics, Visa Administration, or similar, be prepared to solve some math problems. No matter what course you are applying for, you should be ready and knowledgeable about it because they might ask you questions about it. Sometimes, people get lucky, and they don’t get asked anything. I’ve heard about someone who wasn’t asked a single question, so if you’re that lucky, you might get your Visa without any questions asked. But generally, most people have to go through the whole process. Just make sure to mention if you have been working, and honestly, if your documents are all in order, you should be good to go. They really aren’t asking for too much.


So, we have been able to cover 15 Russian student visa interview questions. I have also given you some tips that will guide you during the interview. Remember, throughout this interview, you have to be natural. These visa officers do not like it when your answers sound scripted or rehearsed.

Read Also: Russia is the Cheapest Country to Study Medicine

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