Post University Laptop Program

Every room in the residence halls at Post University comes with a connection for internet. However, students need to bring their own laptops to use these services. So, in this post, you will get to know all there is about the Post University laptop program.

Meanwhile, if you have any problems with your laptop, you can get help from the ICT Helpdesk. They are open from 7 in the morning until 7 in the evening, and you can call them at 203.591.7145. If you call outside these hours, you’ll reach a voicemail. When you leave a message, make sure to include clear details about what you need help with, your phone number to call during the day, and your room number in the residence hall. They try to solve all problems within 24 hours. If you prefer, you can also send your questions to the Help Desk by emailing

Post University Laptop Program Policy

When you log onto and use the computers in Post University’s Local Area Network, use the Post University email system, or access the Internet with your own computer, you need to be aware of the following:

  1. You are required to comply with all terms of software licensing agreements and copyright laws.
  2. A student must not copy, download, or distribute any copyrighted material on the network unless you are allowed to do so by a license.
  3. You must follow all relevant federal and state laws, as well as the policies of Post University. Your actions should not damage the functionality or availability of the systems for other users.
  4. You are not allowed to use Post University networks to access, create, or distribute adult content on the Internet or within Post University networks.
  5. Any network activity that leaves Post University’s network must also comply with the acceptable use policies of any other networks it passes through or enters.
  6. You must respect the rights of other users as outlined in other Post University policies. This includes respecting others’ privacy, freedom from harassment, and the safety of their tangible and intellectual property.
  7. You must not place any information or software on Post University’s computer systems that infringes upon someone else’s rights or gives unauthorized access to another’s account or system.
  8. You must not use the network resources of Post University to illegally access other computers, networks, or systems.
  9. Don’t pretend to be someone else or lie about your data on the network.
  10. Your account is yours alone. Don’t let others use it, and don’t use someone else’s account. If you think someone else might know your password, tell the ICT team at 888.458.7678 so they can change it.
  11. Don’t do anything that could break the laptops, network, or anything connected to them. This includes messing with network equipment or blocking communication lines.
  12. Don’t try to view, copy, change, or delete other people’s files or emails without their permission.
  13. You cannot try to get around security measures or find security weaknesses.
  14. Don’t waste laptop resources or hog them so others can’t use them.
  15. Don’t run or share programs like viruses, Trojan horses, or worms that could harm files or the laptop system.
  16. You cannot send chain letters using the university’s networks.
  17. Don’t use Post University’s laptops or network to ask for money or business reasons. This includes charity or community group requests.

Post University Laptop Program: Anti Virus Software Rules

Post University laptop program has a rule about laptop viruses. Before you can use your personal laptops on the university’s network, you must get them checked by the ICT Department to make sure they have anti-virus software that’s up-to-date, just like the university’s own laptop.

Students need to keep their anti-virus software and virus definitions updated regularly. If the software is expired or the virus definitions are old, it’s as if there’s no protection at all.

As a student, you are responsible for buying, installing, and updating your anti-virus software. If the ICT Department finds the software is missing or outdated, Post University can stop you from using the network until it’s fixed. After checking that the laptop has good virus protection and is virus-free, the ICT Department will give a verification notice, and then you can connect to the network.

If Post University thinks a student’s laptop has a problem, or if the student is using harmful software or behaving in a way that risks the network, the university can enter the student’s room to verify. They will try to talk to the student first, and can also disconnect one or more laptops from the network for protection.

What to Do if Something Doesn’t Seem Right

If you notice any violations of computer laws or policies, or if you find any security weaknesses in the university’s computer systems and networks, you must inform the ICT Office, system administrators, and the appropriate authorities by emailing

Post University is strict about the guidelines for using laptops and networks. If you don’t follow the rules, you might get in trouble, such as losing the right to continue the Post University laptop program, paying a fine, or other penalties. The university may even take legal action if it’s a really serious issue.

When you join Post University, they give you a special username and password to use their network. You’ll have this until you leave the university, whether you graduate, leave, or get kicked out. Every year, before the fall semester starts, they check how much space everyone is using in their email accounts.

If you’re not registered by the first week of August, they might delete your account. But if you come back to school, they’ll give you a new email account. The university can check your emails and can turn off or limit your email account whenever they need to.

Every room in the student dormitories has a connection point for the internet. Students are advised to buy their own computers and they can use them in their rooms. If you are caught going against the guidelines, you may lose your internet access.

How to Connect Your Laptop to Post University Network

If you live on-campus, you likely have a laptop, which has internet capability. Connecting a laptop, or even tablets and phones to the campus WiFi (Post Academic Wireless) is simple. However, this network uses a high-security protocol called WPA2-Enterprise, which many consumer devices can’t connect to because they’re designed for simpler home networks.

For devices that can’t connect to Post Academic Wireless, the campus offers an alternative called the Student Entertainment Devices Network. This network works on devices that aren’t compatible with WPA2-Enterprise, but it’s not suitable for laptops, tablets, or phones.

Typically, devices that support the Student Entertainment Devices Network include Smart TVs, streaming devices like AppleTV and Roku, and gaming consoles such as Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo DS. Older Amazon Kindle readers also fall into this category. These devices are generally not equipped to handle the security level of WPA2-Enterprise and should be connected to the Student Entertainment Network instead.

Read alsoColorado Technical University Free Laptop

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