Pell Grants for Students with Deceased Parent [2024 Financial Aid]

You have to the right place if you are looking to know more about Pell grants for students with deceased parent. This is a federal grant usually awarded only to undergraduate students. The aid you receive is also determined by factors such as your financial need and the cost of attendance at your school. Not to worry, you will learn about the eligibility and how to apply in this guide.

Pell Grants for Students with Deceased Parent Eligibility

Eligibility for Federal Pell Grants typically extends to undergraduate students who demonstrate significant financial need and have not yet obtained a bachelor’s, graduate, or professional degree. There are some exceptions where students enrolled in postbaccalaureate teacher certification programs may qualify for a Federal Pell Grant.

However, people who are incarcerated in federal or state penal institutions or who are under involuntary civil commitment after serving time for a forcible or nonforcible sexual offense are not eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant.

Before you accept any unforeseen financial aid or assistance, such as a “pandemic grant” or “Biden loan forgiveness,” make sure to verify the legitimacy of the offer by consulting with your school.

A Federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, is typically not required to be repaid unless specific circumstances arise. There are situations where you might be obligated to repay either the full amount or a portion of a federal grant. Do note that you cannot receive Federal Pell Grant funds from multiple schools at the same time.

Application Process for Pell Grants for Students with Deceased Parent

To begin the process, you need to complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. Schools use the information you provide in the FAFSA® form to assess your eligibility for a Pell Grant and determine the amount you qualify to receive. To remain eligible for federal student aid, including Pell Grant awards, you will need to fill out the FAFSA form annually throughout your time in school.

Know the cost of attendance at your chosen institution in order to assess your potential aid requirements. The cost of attendance covers the advertised annual expenses of the school program prior to the application for any financial aid. This includes tuition and fees, housing and meals (room and board), as well as other relevant educational expenses, both direct and indirect, which may vary based on personal choices.

How much money can I get?

The amount of money for the Federal Pell Grant is subject to annual changes. Usually, the maximum Federal Pell Grant award stands at $7,395.

The specific amount you receive will be determined by several factors, including:

  • Your Expected Family Contribution (EFC),
  • The cost of attendance for your particular program, as determined by your school,
  • Whether you are enrolled as a full-time or part-time student, and
  • Your intended duration of attendance, whether it is for a full academic year or a shorter period.

Note that these variables play a role in determining the actual grant amount you will be awarded.

You can estimate the potential amount you may qualify for using the cost of attendance provided by your school and your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Once you have obtained this information, you can consult the Federal Pell Grant payment schedule for the current year to obtain an approximate award amount.

Under certain circumstances, you may be eligible to receive up to 150% of your scheduled Pell Grants for students with deceased parent for an award year.

If you are eligible for a $2,000 Pell Grant for the award year and you are enrolled as a full-time student during both the fall and spring terms, it is likely that you will receive $1,000 in the fall and $1,000 in the spring. In specific situations, you may be eligible to receive an additional $1,000 for attending an additional term within the same award year, resulting in a total of 150% of your original award. This scenario is commonly known as year-round Pell.

The Federal Pell Grant can be received for a maximum of 12 full-time terms or their equivalent, amounting to approximately 6 years of eligibility. You will be notified if you approach this limit. For any inquiries or concerns, reach out to your financial aid office.

If you meet the eligibility criteria for Federal Pell Grants for students with deceased parent, you will receive the full amount you qualify for. Each school participating in this program receives adequate annual funding from the U.S. Department of Education to cover the Federal Pell Grant amounts for all eligible students.

The amount of any other student aid you may be eligible for does not impact the value of your Federal Pell Grant.

How Much Pell Grant for students with deceased parent?

The Pell Grant eligibility takes into consideration if a parent died in Iraq, Afghanistan, or in the line of duty. However, eligibility for additional Federal Pell Grant funds in these circumstances depends on specific criteria. If your parent or guardian was:

  • A member of the U.S. armed forces and passed away due to military service performed in Iraq or Afghanistan after the events of 9/11, or
  • A public safety officer, and passed away while actively serving in the line of duty.

Then, you may be eligible for supplementary Federal Pell Grant funds if, at the time of your parent’s death:

  1. you were under 24 years of age, or
  2. you were enrolled in college or a career school on at least a part-time basis.

If you meet the specified criteria and qualify for a Federal Pell Grant for students with deceased parent, your eligibility will be reassessed with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of 0 (zero). Adjustments to the payment will be made if you are enrolled on less than a full-time basis.

For students whose parent or guardian served in the U.S. armed forces and passed away due to military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after the events of 9/11: If you meet the aforementioned requirements but are unable to receive a Federal Pell Grant due to a high EFC, you may have the opportunity to obtain an Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant.

How to get Pell Grant payment as a student

Federal Pell Grant funds can be paid by your school in the following ways:

  1. they can be applied toward your school costs,
  2. paid directly to you, or
  3. a combination of both methods.

How to maintain Federal Pell grant

To be eligible for a Federal Pell Grant, you must be enrolled in an undergraduate program at a nonforeign school. You must complete the FAFSA form annually throughout your enrollment in order to maintain eligibility for this federal student aid.

Once you have obtained a baccalaureate degree, your first professional degree, or have utilized the maximum of 12 terms of eligibility, you will no longer be eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant.

Read alsoSingle Parent Scholarship Application Eligibility and Approval Process

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