NYU Scholarships, Grants and Financial Aid 2024-2025

New York University (NYU) offers scholarships, grants, and financial aid that consider your financial needs. So, it is just left for you to pick one that suits your situation the most. Now, if you get a scholarship or grant from New York University or another organization, you don’t have to pay it back. Also, for you to keep getting your NYU scholarship during the regular school year (only in the fall and spring), you need to be a full-time student with at least 12 credits. If you are part-time with 6 to 11 credits, your scholarship will be adjusted. Your credits should be relevant to your degree.

NYU Scholarships, Grants, and Financial Aid

We will talk more about the scholarships and grants you can get, as well as the financial aid program available in NYU. So, I will focus on these 4 aspects to help you fi in yourself in a category where you are more likely to qualify for the benefits.

  1. Scholarships from New York University
  2. Federal Grant Programs
  3. State Scholarship and Grant Programs
  4. Scholarships and Grants from Other Organizations

If you don’t live in New York State, check with your state’s financial aid agency for programs you might be eligible for. You can call 1-800-433-3243 for the specific contact details.

NYU Scholarships for Undergraduates

I will give you the current information on scholarships available at NYU for undergraduates, including those you may be eligible for. However, I often advise students to refer to the Undergraduate Admissions office.

So, we have the Undergraduate September 11 Scholarships from NYU. These are 5 scholarships in memory of the fire, police, and emergency workers who lost their lives in the September 11, 2001 attacks at the World Trade Center. These scholarships help the victims’ children attend NYU and cover the tuition, registration fees, and room and board. The 5 scholarship funds from NYU will cover any remaining costs up to the full cost of education at the university. The scholarships include:

  1. Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen, and Katz Scholarship
  2. Helen and Martin Kimmel Scholarship
  3. Barclays 9/11/01 Memorial Scholarship
  4. Sol and Margaret Berger Foundation Scholarship
  5. 9/11/01 Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria

Preference is given to dependents and spouses of uniformed members of the Fire Department of the City of New York, the New York Police Department, the Port Authority Police Department, and other emergency responders who died at the World Trade Center.

There’s no requirement to be a New York State resident, but most scholarships require U.S. citizenship or permanent residency. You must be admitted to a 4-year degree program at NYU and maintain full-time status to receive these funds. Transfer students are also eligible, but these scholarships don’t apply to non-degree or non-credit programs.

Steps to Apply (Undergraduates)

  1. Submit all the necessary financial aid forms, including the FAFSA, before their deadlines.
  2. Apply for the New York State World Trade Center Memorial Scholarship.

NYU Federal Grant Programs

So, for the first section, we discussed the available NYU Scholarships in 2024. Here, we will talk about the NYU federal grant programs that can actually help you to study at NYU without paying. Of course, NYU supports the Federal Pell Grant. Now, this grant was set up by the federal government to assist students who need financial help for their education.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. You might qualify for a Pell Grant if you meet the financial requirements of the program and are in your first bachelor’s degree program.
  2. If you are eligible, your award package will show an estimated amount. Your official eligibility will be detailed in your Student Aid Report (SAR).
  3. After getting your SAR, you can make any changes needed and keep the final version for your records.
  4. You can also update your SAR on the FAFSA website under the “FAFSA Follow-Up” section.
  5. If you’re taking summer classes, you might be eligible too.

The application process involves just filling out the FAFSA. So, yes, it isn’t stressful to apply for this NYU Pell grant.

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant

Apart from the Federal Pell Grant, we also have the TEACH Grant. This particular grant will give you up to $3,772 each year. However, this grant is only for those who will agree to teach in public or private elementary or secondary schools that help low-income families. Steinhardt students in certain majors qualify for this grant. Undergraduates who can get the Federal Pell Grant and those who get NYU scholarships are automatically qualified.

How to Apply

All you have to do is fill out the FAFSA Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants (FSEOG). This grant is funded by the U.S. Department of Education while New York University manages it to help students who really need financial support.

Veteran’s Benefits

If you serve in the U.S. Armed Forces, are a veteran, or are the spouse or child of someone in the U.S. Armed Forces, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has benefits based on service time. New York University knows that payments from the Department of Veterans Affairs and other groups might be late. If you are an NYU student with veterans benefits and this happens to you, please talk to the Office of Financial Aid. Eligible U.S. military service members and their families are qualified to apply for this NYU grant. You can get this grant by applying through the NYU Certifying Office

State Scholarships and Grant Programs in New York New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)

If you live in New York State and are studying in a full-time or part-time degree program, you might be able to get money from the TAP program. The amount you can get depends on your income and how much your tuition is. People who live in New York State and are in a full-time or part-time degree program are qualified for this grant program. To get the grant, all you have to do is fill out a TAP application.

Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS)

If you are a New York State resident studying part-time for an undergraduate degree, APTS could give you up to $2,000 each school year. You need to be taking 3 to 11 credits each term. New York State residents who need financial help and haven’t used up their TAP benefits can get this grant. You can apply for it simply by completing a FAFSA and an APTS application.

Scholarships and Grants from Other Organizations

You might be able to get a private scholarship or grant from an outside organization or agency. Some places to look for these include employers, unions, professional organizations, and community and special interest groups. Students can also try for National Scholarship Competitions. To apply for these, you need an endorsement from New York University.

Conclusion – NYU Scholarships, Grants, and Financial Aid

So, that’s it. Note that scholarships count as financial aid and have to be included in your financial aid package. NYU will use any external scholarships to pay your fees first, before using other types of aid. If your total aid is more than your cost of attendance, your loans might be reduced, whether they are need-based or not. You can always be on the lookout for scholarship opportunities using platforms such as iGrad, Scholarships.com, Sallie Mae, U.S. Department of Education, GoodCall.com, Scholarships360.org, Peterson’s Scholarship Search, FastWEB, Scholarship Experts.com, and FinAid.org.

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