13 Best NGO scholarships in Ghana 2024

Students who need money can get a lot of help from NGO scholarships in Ghana in 2024. Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) offer these scholarships to help underprivileged students. So, if you’re looking for scholarships that pay for your tuition, books, uniforms, and other school supplies, this article covers all of them for you.

NGO scholarships in Ghana 2024-2025

although it’s hard to find non-governmental scholarships in Ghana, there are still a few willing to help. Below are the best NGO scholarships in Ghana:

1. African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF)

African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is a pan-African grant-making organization formed in 2000 to empower and promote African women and girls. Accra-based AWDF pioneered African women’s rights funding.

Grants, capacity building, and networking assist AWDF’s women’s rights and gender equality activities. The group supports women’s health, economic development, political involvement, and gender-based violence projects.

AWDF provides funds, technical support, training, and networking to its grantees and partners. The group promotes gender equality in Africa through study and campaigning.

AWDF has granted over $50 million to 1,400 organizations in 46 African nations. The group has been a vital partner for women’s rights organizations across Africa in furthering women’s rights and gender equality. Apply now for the grant!

2. Mastercard Foundation Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)

Ashesi University, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, and the University of Ghana have received Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program scholarships. This is yet another one of the NGO scholarships in Ghana you can rely on

Ghana’s Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program helps academically gifted people like you afford quality education. The program requires academic distinction, leadership potential, and community service. All you have to do is head to the application website, submit your application if the opportunities are still open, and wait for an approval email.

3. Plan International

Plan International Ghana’s education programs help children and youth, especially girls, get a good education. They include enhancing teaching quality, providing school materials and infrastructure, and tackling gender-based violence and early marriage to enhance girls’ education.

Plan International Ghana supports youth employment and entrepreneurship through vocational training and entrepreneurship programs.

Plan International does not give scholarships in Ghana, but its education and youth empowerment programs are helping young people, especially girls, get a good education and learn employment skills. Go now to the Plan International website.

4. Timothy Ansah Memorial Foundation scholarship

Timothy Ansah Memorial Foundation is one of the NGO scholarships in Ghana established to help both male and female students in Ghana’s Western Region pursue higher education at KNUST.

Since the scholarship does not have a set closing date, applicants are strongly encouraged to send their applications early so that they arrive before the deadline.

Criteria for eligibility

  • Must be living in Ghana.
  • Applicants must be in their second, third, or fourth year of college.
  • At the time of application, the applicant must not be getting any kind of financial aid or scholarship.

The following are the documents to present;

  • Admission letter
  • Acceptance letter
  • High school transcript
  • WASSCE certificate
  • Recommendation letters

5. Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Ghana

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Ghana is another group of NGOs that gives out scholarships in Ghana.

As part of the NGO scholarships in Ghana, students who want to go into teaching, especially in rural areas where there isn’t as much access to education can apply. This scholarship program is meant to help students get a good education and encourage them to use their skills and knowledge to help people in their communities. Go here to learn.

6. African Development Foundation (ADF)

African Development Foundation (ADF) is also a major player in Ghana when it comes to NGO scholarships. This organization gives scholarships to students who want to go into fields like science, engineering, and agriculture.

The African Development Foundation (ADF) (ADF) gives out scholarships from time to time to help students get a good education and encourage them to use their skills and knowledge to help people in their own communities.

7. Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT)

Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) also gives out scholarships in Ghana. This NGO gives scholarships to students who want to go into teaching, especially in rural areas where there isn’t as much access to education.

GNAT and the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) offer scholarships and bursaries to students. Scholarships and bursaries cover tuition and other education costs based on academic merit and financial need.

GNAT promotes Ghanaian teacher training and professional development programs in addition to scholarship and bursary programs. Via its Teacher Development Project, the organization trains and supports Ghanaian teachers to improve education.

Hornet, GNAT supports education in Ghana and advocates for student and teacher programs, although it does not offer scholarships. GNAT works with policymakers and stakeholders to make Ghana’s education system more fair and accessible.

8. Africa Initiative for Governance scholarship

AIG, a nonprofit, promotes good governance and public sector leadership throughout Africa. Their AIG Scholarship Program funds talented West Africans to study for a Master’s degree in Public Policy or Governance at top UK universities.

Only a few AIG Scholarships are awarded annually. Candidates must be citizens of Nigeria or Ghana, have a first- or second-class upper degree from a recognized university, and be committed to public service in their home country. The award covers program tuition, housing, and living expenses.

The AIG Scholarship requires an online application, academic transcripts, references, and a personal statement describing career objectives and public engagement. Before being chosen, shortlisted individuals are interviewed and assessed.

The AIG website has eligibility and application requirements for the AIG Scholarship Program.

9. Vodafone Ghana Foundation scholarship scheme

Ghanaian undergraduate and postgraduate students who have been accepted to a Ghanaian university or college can apply for the Vodafone Ghana Foundation Scholarship Program. Candidates must have a 3.0 GPA and financial necessity. The award covers tuition, housing, and other program costs.

Vodafone Ghana Foundation Scholarship Plan requires applicants to download the application form from their website, complete it, and submit it with academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and evidence of income. After being shortlisted, candidates are interviewed and assessed for financial necessity.

The Vodafone Ghana Foundation website or Foundation staff can provide eligibility and application information for the Scholarship Scheme.

10. David Oyedepo scholarship foundation

This scholarship is given to deserving African students who were born and raised in Africa. Students enrolled in master’s, undergraduate, and secondary school programs are eligible for the scholarship.

Criteria for eligibility

  • You must be a citizen and permanent resident of any African country.
  • You must be able to read, write, and speak English well.
  • At the time of application, you must be between the ages of 18 and 25.
  • Must have done well in high school.

11. MTN Ghana Foundation scholarship

Ghanaian students who are smart but in need can apply for the scholarship. All new and continuing students in Ghana’s public tertiary institutions are eligible for the scholarship.

Criteria for eligibility

To be eligible for MTN Ghana Foundation Scholarship, you must:

  • be a Ghanaian
  • be a hard-working student with a good record in school.
  • submit a one-page motivation letter explaining why MTN foundation should grant him/her the scholarship.

12. Kingdom Books and Bursary Scheme

This is one of the NGO scholarships in Ghana available for brilliant but needy KNUST students in Ghana. Fifty deserving students are eligible for the scholarship. Academically gifted students are eligible for the scholarship.

Criteria for eligibility

  • The applicant must live in Ghana.
  • At the time of application, the applicant cannot be receiving any kind of financial aid or scholarship.
  • All full-time students in their second through fourth years must have at least a second class when they apply.

13. Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Africa Scholars program

The scholarship is for brilliant but underprivileged African students. For postgraduate degree programs, the scholarship is available.

Criteria for Eligibility

  • To be eligible for the Cattolica Africa Program, an applicant must be an African.
  • Proof of English proficiency.
  • The applicant must have at least a Bachelor’s degree from a reputable school.


NGO scholarships in Ghana are given by private organizations like the MTN Ghana Foundation. Most NGOs are not-for-profits, so they don’t have a lot of money to give to students. Most of the money that NGOs use to do their work comes from donations and gifts from individuals.

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