Best NGO for single mothers in Nigeria

Single mothers in Nigeria face a lot of discrimination and challenges. Fortunately, there are several NGO for single mothers in Nigeria ready to fix the issues such as poverty, lack of access to education and healthcare, etc. These organizations are not owned by the government, but rather by private individuals and companies interested in the welfare of Nigerian single mothers.

NGO for single mothers in Nigeria

Here are NGOs for single mothers in Nigeria:

1. Single Mothers Association of Nigeria (SMAN)

Single Mothers Association of Nigeria (SMAN) is a non-government group that helps single moms in Nigeria. SMAN also works to bring attention to the problems single moms in Nigeria face and to fight for their rights and well-being.

SMAN is run by a team of volunteers and paid employees who are committed to helping single moms in Nigeria live better lives. With its wide range of programs and services, SMAN is helping single moms and their children have a better future.

2. Single Mothers in Need (SMIN)

Single Mothers in Need (SMIN) is a non-governmental group (NGO) based in Nigeria that helps single mothers who are having a hard time raising their children. The NGO for single mothers in Nigeria was started because there are more and more single mothers in Nigeria who have trouble taking care of their children because of poverty, discrimination, and other problems. SMIN offers a variety of services to help single moms deal with these problems and make a better life for themselves and their kids.

Through its programs and services, SMIN helps single moms in Nigeria become more independent and give their children a better future. The group wants to help single mothers get through the problems they face and build a better future for themselves and their kids.

3. Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE)

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE), which is based in Nigeria, is a non-government group that works to help single mothers and their children. The group was started so that it could help widows and orphans, who are often left out of society and have trouble getting by. WEWE helps single moms in many ways, such as by giving them money, helping them get an education or training, taking care of their health, or giving them legal advice. The group also works to bring attention to the problems single moms face and to fight for their rights.

WEWE’s programs are made to help single mothers get past the things that make it hard for them to get to services and tools they need. The group gives money to help single mothers take care of their children and meet their basic needs.

4. Women’s Aid Collective (WACOL)

Women’s Aid Collective (WACOL) is a Nigeria-based non-governmental organization (NGO) that works to make the lives of single moms better. Since it was started in the early 1990s, WACOL has been at the forefront of helping single mothers who are having trouble making ends meet in a tough social and economic situations. The goal of the group is to give women the tools they need to take charge of their lives and break the cycle of poverty by giving them access to education, job training, and money.

WACOL gives single moms a variety of services, such as training in life skills and money management, and helps to find jobs. The group also runs a lending program that helps women start or grow their own businesses by giving them small loans.

5. Women’s Health and Equal Rights Initiative (WHER)

The Women’s Health and Equal Rights Initiative (WHER) is a non-NGO for single mothers in Nigeria dedicated to improving the lives of single mothers. Founded in 2015, the organization aims to empower single mothers and provide them with the resources they need to thrive. WHER recognizes the challenges that single mothers face, including poverty, lack of access to education and healthcare, and discrimination.

WHER is committed to advocating for the rights of single mothers and promoting gender equality in Nigeria.

Through its efforts, WHER is making a positive impact on the lives of single mothers in Nigeria and helping to break down the barriers that prevent them from achieving their full potential.

6. Center for Women’s Health and Information (CEWHIN)

The Center for Women’s Health and Information (CEWHIN), which is based in Nigeria, is a non-governmental group that works to improve the health and well-being of single mothers and give them more power.

CEWHIN NGO for single mothers in Nigeria helps single mothers get access to health care, education, and job training classes, among other things. The group also helps women deal with the emotional challenges of being single mom by giving them counseling and support groups.

7. Stand to End Rape (STER)

Stand to End Rape (STER) is a Nigerian non-government group that helps single moms who have been raped or sexually abused. The group was started to give women and girls the tools they need to deal with the physical, emotional, and mental effects of sexual abuse. STER works hard to make sure that single mothers have access to good health care, schooling, and ways to improve their finances. The NGO for single mothers in Nigeria also helps survivors find their way through the often confusing legal system and get justice for the wrongs done to them.

STER knows that single moms in Nigeria face unique problems, such as a lack of access to resources, social stigma, and financial problems.

8. African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF)

The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is a non-government group that works to help single mothers in Nigeria become more independent. The NGO for single mothers in Nigeria was started to help single mothers and their children live better lives by giving them the tools and support they need.

AWDF helps single moms get an education, get health care, and get money. It also tries to bring attention to the problems they face. The group fights for the rights of single moms and tries to change how society thinks about them. AWDF also works with other nonprofits, government agencies, and private groups to help single moms in a wide range of ways.

9. The International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA)

The International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) is a non-profit group that works to improve and promote women’s and children’s rights. It began in 1987, and since then, it has grown to more than 100 countries, including Nigeria.

The NGO for single mothers in Nigeria helps single mothers assert their rights and protect their interests by giving them free legal services like representation in court, mediation, and alternative dispute resolution.

FIDA Nigeria also runs programs and classes to teach women about their rights and give them the tools they need to stand up for themselves.

10. Nigerian Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ)

Nigerian Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) is a non-governmental organization that works to help and promote single mothers in Nigeria. NAWOJ helps single moms get an education, training, and jobs, as well as access to healthcare, a place to live, and other important services.

NAWOJ works to raise knowledge about the problems they face and to push for policies and programs that can help make their lives better for single mothers.

Others include:

  • Women’s Rights and Health Project (WRAHP)
  • Mirabel Centre
  • Mama Cass Foundation
  • Widows and Orphans Support Organization (WOSO)
  • Women at Risk International Foundation (WARIF)
  • Child Protection Network (CPN)
  • The Wellspring Centre for Women
  • The National Association of Widows in Nigeria (NAWIN)
  • Project Alert on Violence Against Women
  • The Nigerian Women’s Trust Fund (NWTF)

Conclusion – NGO for single mothers in Nigeria

If you are a single mother in Nigeria who is facing a lot of problems and challenges such as hunger, poverty, lack of education and healthcare, discrimination, etc, it will be best for you to reach out to the aforementioned organizations as they won’t hesitate to render assistance.

Read also: NGO for Nigerian widows

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