Latvia Student Visa Interview Questions

If your preferred study destination is Latvia, congrats on a solid decision. Latvia may not host the big-name schools but universities here offer world-class programs and learning experiences. However, to study in Latvia, you would have been given an admission letter by your preferred university, and now you have to face the study interview. In this post, I am going to talk about the Latvia student visa interview questions and answers to help you pass this interview.

Don’t be scared—Latvia’s study visa success rate is more than 90%. Some sources say about 75%, and others say up to 98%. Now, this really depends on your country. Generally, if you prepare well and have a genuine intention to study in Latvia, your visa will be approved.

Many students ask me about the interview questions for the Latvia study visa by the visa office, and how we should answer them. So, I thought I’d share some information with you all, which will help many students. The overall application process is usually 2 to 3 months, and finally, there’s the visa interview, which you do not want to fail. At that time, students are obviously nervous. But with knowledge of the questions, you’ll know how to prepare yourself better.

Latvia Student Visa Interview Questions

Latvia Student Visa Interview Questions

So, I will tell you about common questions they ask, and how to answer them correctly, so they do not hold back your visa. Also, you have to be 100% natural when answering these questions. You don’t want the officer to see signs of scripted or rehearsed responses. That said, let’s get in.

1. How did you find out about Latvia?

As part of the Latvia student visa interview questions, you’ll be asked about how you came about Latvia as your study destination. Many students are not prepared for this question, so they need to give a continuous answer about who recommended it. If you are going to answer, you can say that you searched on the internet about Latvia because it has become a common country. There are also posts on social media and agents post as well. You can say that you saw an ad on Instagram or Facebook about the Latvia study, found it interesting, and then did your own research, liked the fee structure, and applied. Or you can say you attended a seminar where they talked about Latvia, its education, fee structure, future scope, etc., and you liked it, so you applied. These are things you can tell them but remember, sometimes they repeat a question after some time or ask a question two or three times. Many students have experienced this; they ask a question, then get answers, and then the officer repeats the question. The student answers again, and the third time they repeat it, making the student think they might have said something wrong. No, nothing is wrong—it’s just part of the consular officer’s technique to find out if you have any hidden motives in your study visa application. For example, some people use this study route to permanently move to Latvia, and the embassy doesn’t want this to happen.

2. How did you find this university and why this university?

You will be asked about how you found this university. Now, you can say something like: I was searching for good universities on the internet, then it came to the list, and then I searched more about this university and found that it really suits my interests. You can talk more about how you went on to read reviews about this university online and saw lots of positives, including admission rate, graduation rate, etc. Your reason could even be that this university is located in a city you researched a lot about and that you loved it. Note that they can ask you to talk about why you love the said city. So, just know one or two things about the location. You can talk about the security and serenity of the place.

3. Why did you choose this course?

This question is very important, so a simple answer is you can say that after completing your education, you will come back to your home country. Then, you can add whatever you have planned, like starting a business, applying for your dream job, or any other plan. You just have to tell them that after studying in Latvia, you will return to your country to look after your future settlement.

Another point you can use to support your choice of this course in Latvia is that your research shows that Latvia is one of the top study destinations in the world. For example, according to Times Higher Destination, Latvian universities rank in the top 1,100 where we have schools like the University of Latvia and the Riga Technical University. So, just check your specific school’s global ranking and let the officer know about that.

4. Do you want to work in Latvia?

This is one of the trap Latvia student visa interview questions you will be asked. It could come in different ways, such as, “Would you like to work in Latvia after your study?” The simple answer is No. You are allowed to work in Latvia on your study visa but there are some restrictions depending on your study level. For instance, a full-time bachelor’s student at a Latvian university can only work for up to 20 hours per week (part-time) or 40 hours per week (full-time) during holidays with any employer. However, a full-time master’s or doctoral student can work without any restrictions.

They often ask if you prefer to work during your studies because part-time work is allowed in Latvia. Clearly, some students say it’s not a problem if you tell the officer that you prefer to work part-time because 20 hours are allowed, but still, there’s a problem. You should tell them that you are going there to study, so you will not focus on work. If you have to say yes, I do work, then say it in such a way that whatever you are studying, you will find related work to get some practical exposure. For example, if you are taking a business or engineering course, tell them you will find internships related to your course to learn practically, but not for the money, just to gain experience during studies. But I would prefer to clearly say no, I am going there to study.

5. How will you fund your education in Latvia?

Since you have claimed that you are coming to Latvia to study and not to work, they will ask Latvia student visa interview questions about your funding. They ask about your financial support, including your sponsor, their profession, documentation, and annual income. One thing they definitely ask is how much is the annual income of your sponsor. Keep in mind, if, for example, your parent is sponsoring you and his annual income is less than required, try to add another sponsor, including your siblings or friends, so that a family income of around the requirements.

The visa officer needs assurance that while you are going to their country, you will continue to receive proper financial support. Your sponsor’s income has to be enough to support your education and living expenses here in Latvia. And yes, whatever documents you have submitted for your sponsor, study them well because many students submit their application and when asked a question regarding the application, their answer does not match because they answer on the spot without having looked at their documentation. They will also use this opportunity to ask if you have done any job, diploma, or coaching. If any, you just say yes, and submit proof for justification. Latvia students spend 100–350 EUR/month on accommodation, monthly utilities 115–185 EUR/month, and food and groceries: 120–250 EUR/month. So, you are looking at €600+ per month.

6. What is your course all about?

They also ask about the contents of the course you are going to study, what subjects will be taught, which subject will be your favorite, or what contents and subjects are in your course. Now, whatever you are going to study, you should know its duration well, they also ask how many years your degree is, how many semesters, and what the fee structure is. So, for all these things, you have to prepare well because if you give any wrong answer, it affects your study visa application. Besides, they ask many questions and sometimes go completely off track and ask students, so prepare yourself that anything can be asked.

Tips for Latvia Student Visa Interview

While you know these Latvia student visa interview questions, here are some helpful tips for your study visa interview.

Prepare with Practice

Don’t just walk into the embassy—you have to prepare. The officer needs to see that you know why you want to move to Latvia, which is to study. You won’t be able to make good points if you don’t prepare ahead.

Dress Appropriately

Don’t dress casually. You can make it a bit corporate because this is an interview. Your dressing is also used to grade you. Don’t forget to smell nice too.

Arrive Early

If you arrive early, you’ll have enough time to settle down and feel comfortable. It also shows that you are serious about your application.

Don’t be nervous

I also want to give a tip to students who are a bit nervous about the interview, it’s normal to feel nervous during the interview time, the visa officer also knows that a student can be nervous during the interview, so don’t worry about that, and when you answer, give yourself a bit of a pause.

Give coherent answers to the questions

See, when a student goes for this visa interview prepared with answers, 80 out of 100%, they feel relieved when asked these questions. So, once you have given an answer, stick to it and don’t change it. Because what happens is, students get nervous and might give a different answer or add something else if asked twice. If the officer is repeating the question, you should also repeat your answers. This has been a problem for many students in the past.

Know the information in your documents

So, whatever documents you are submitting, go through them well, you should know what is included in your application, and what documents are there.

Understand the questions before you answer

One problem I have seen in many students is that as soon as a question is asked, they start answering immediately. Take at least two or three seconds to process what the visa officer has asked and what could be the best answer. It’s more about the quality of your answer than the quantity, give a very direct answer and a quality answer.

Don’t be scared of the visa officer

Before the interview, one common fear is often the uncertainty of what will happen during the interview, especially since some interviews are conducted via video conferencing, unlike the face-to-face, one-on-one interviews at the embassy. When you are in a face-to-face interview, you can gauge the interviewer’s expressions and body language, which can be somewhat comforting. I think if you are doing a one-on-one interview, it feels a bit better than doing it through video conferencing, where they arrange a video call for the interview.


So, we have looked at common Latvia student visa interview questions and answers. It’s time for you to prepare and know the genuine reasons you want to study in Latvia. Remember to put on a smile to also help the officer feel comfortable interviewing you. If you don’t immediately understand a question, try to process it before giving a response.

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