Is Medical Sales College Legit?

Is Medical Sales College legit? Yes, Medical Sales College (MSC) is legit 100%. Let’s say you have an interest in sales due to the potential to climb the career ladder and take control of your success. Physician Assistant (PA) might not offer you the same excitement and potential for growth that you’re looking for. Even though you don’t have any sales experience, if you believe you have what it takes to be successful, then a sales role is for you. Now, let’s talk about Medical Sales College. Some people say it’s not worth it, maybe even a scam. But with a few weeks left on your GI Bill, and MSC has a Masters program, it seems like a perfect fit. But will going through this program give you some solid sales education that you currently lack? Well, a sales course will even help you to impress recruiters.

In your mind, this feels like a much better option than taking random classes at your university for another semester. You want to use your GI Bill in a way that’s going to help you achieve your career goals. MSC seems like it could be a step in the right direction for you. It’s not just about the sales education you’ll get; it’s also about a strategic move to show recruiters that you’re serious about a career in sales.

Is Medical Sales College legit?

Yes, Medical Sales College is legit. A career in medical device sales is highly competitive, but it doesn’t require some secret process to break in. A degree and a few years of solid B2B sales results typically suffice, with exceptions for certain individuals like Division 1 athletes and West Point grads.

The Medical Sales College (MSC) might appear as a fast-track option to get into the business. Personally, I didn’t enroll because I had the necessary credentials and didn’t want to leave the workforce for 12 weeks and spend 25K. People will tell you that breaking in organically, though tough, is rewarding.

Here’s why the organic route is beneficial:

Real-world B2B experience prepares you better for the medical device industry, with more transferable skills than what you learn in role plays or classroom instruction at MSC. You also build confidence and resilience when completing complex sales with multiple decision-makers.

Building a network of recruiters during your job search provides you with career allies. They can guide you on interviews, teach you about different specialties, and help you find the best fit for your career goals. Med device sales is a sales role at its core, with the clinical aspect being just one of many factors. The emotional intelligence and various skills required for the job are best developed through actual B2B sales experience, not just classroom learning.

If you’re already in B2B sales with a degree, consider whether MSC is truly necessary. To me (and potential hiring managers), enrolling in MSC might indicate a lack of resourcefulness. Building your resume, making money, and networking for a device job could be a more effective strategy.

Lastly, while MSC isn’t a scam, your unique situation should guide your decision. If the GI bill covers your tuition and you have the time off, go for MSC. However, the value of B2B experience is not to be underestimated, as it’s often the common denominator among the top salespeople in the industry.

What is Medical Sales College?

It was created to provide the foundational information that you would need to get into the industry and understand the sales process within the business. Medical Sales College is going to be an adjunct to the effort but not the replacement of what you have to do to get into medical sales. It is just like a school to learn and not going to guarantee you that you are going to get a position.

Studying isn’t something that’s really going to get you to that next level. When it comes to becoming a great salesperson, the skills that you’re going to learn and develop are what’s going to get you to that next level.

Medical Sales College is a 12-week program that primarily focuses on ortho and spine. What you’re going to get out of this class is a familiarity with what it means to be in medical sales. You are also going to get a week-long course on sales training such as how to approach a doctor, and how to pre-call plan before your first call. For people who aren’t in medical sales or sales right now, what pre-call planning means is just the pre-work that you’re doing before you go in to try and get an appointment with a doctor. So, you already have at least a structured outline of what it is that you’re going to talk about.

Benefits of MSC

  1. They’re also going to help you with your hospital credentials. When you get into medical sales you’ll understand a little bit more about this but hospitals require certain credentialing for reps to go in. It could include having a flu vaccine.
  2. They’re going to help you understand the different things that you need before getting into some of the hospitals.
  3. You are also going to have a class on ortho reconstruction. This is going to be your total hips, your total knees, your total shoulders.
  4. They’re going to let you play with all of the instruments and show you what it is that a physician is going to be doing within that surgery.
  5. You will also be walked through the steps so that you have a better understanding of what you will be doing in the or while the surgeon is doing the procedure.
  6. You’ll also have a trauma course. Here, you’re going to have a course on ortho biologics and regenerative medicine that’s going to be your bone grafts, allografts, putties, and stem cells.
  7. You’re going to have bone saws. It’s a fake bone putting different pieces into it so that you understand what all of those plates and screws do.
  8. You are also going to have a fourth portion that is completely based on which medical sales college location you go to. Depending on what location you go to attend medical sales college, it’s going to have a different primary focus. The primary focuses are going to be spine sports medicine or distal extremities.

Whichever one you go into does not give you a better or less chance of getting a job. So I wouldn’t really stress about trying to pick.

Medical Sales College is Going to Give You the Right Type of Experience

You want to at least have that type of conversation with a recruiter and then a hiring manager. This can then lead to another week which is going to be sales training.

This is going to be really good for the people who do not have a sales background you need to understand the process of what a sale in medical sales is like. How long it takes? What the hospital goes through knowing that information whenever you’re in an interview really goes a long way because you’re going to be interviewing for entry-level roles.

Some people who are interviewing might not know what the hierarchy of a hospital is like. If you can go in there and tell this recruiter and the hiring manager that you understand where you have to go, who you have to talk to, who essentially has the final word, who your colleague is going to be. Then that’s going to sound a lot better than somebody going in and saying, “I am a quick study.”

The last week of the 12-week course is going to be focused on career development. What that means is they’re going to really help you set up your resume so that recruiters like what they see when they look at it as well as help you understand who you should be networking with within that industry.

That could go anywhere between physicians, nurses, recruiters, different hiring managers things like that. So that’s also another good thing because people, even though you tell them consistently to network, they don’t necessarily know who to network.

Will I Get a Job After Medical Sales College?

It is not 100% guaranteed but there is a very high probability of you getting that job. When you finish this course, you have an 81 chance of getting placed within the industry—that’s a really good return on the investment, especially if you don’t have a background in sales. So you do get an 81 chance it’s not 100 but that’s still some really good odds.

The next piece that you’re going to get on top of that is one year of placement services. This means is if you don’t get a job within the first couple of weeks, the first couple of months, you still have up to a year to reach out to their recruiters and work with them to help you get placed within medical sales.

You have to also come in with a little bit of skepticism and a little bit of pessimism. You need to realize that if you are not a very competitive person, the class that you’re going to is most likely going to be a facility and a course somewhere within your geography and it’s close to home. That means most of the candidates that are also there learning with you are within your same geography and close to their home.

That being said, you are competing against everybody that you see within that room, not only during the course work which is to help you understand what medical sales is but also to get an interview.

If that scares you, you’re not ready to get into medical sales. You are probably not even ready to get into sales

I did see on LinkedIn students who graduated from these classes with little certificates saying that they were number one in the class. That’ll take you a little bit further than somebody who doesn’t have that to say about themselves.

But again the interview is where you are going to really sell yourself and earn the role.  This course is really going to give you a better understanding of how to get into that interview and say all the right things

If you have a background in sales, be confident be confident in yourself do the best that you can and you will get into this industry.

What If You Have No Background in Medical Sales?

If you just want to get into medical sales and don’t have any kind of background in sales, consider this. It is $14,000, a big cost for a lot of people but the return on that investment would be an 81 chance of you getting into the industry. Medical Sales College is a stroke of genius. They give a solid opportunity for people out there who don’t have a background in sales to get into this industry.

Is Medical Sales College a Real School?

Yes, Medical Sales College is officially recognized and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, specifically by the Division of Private Occupational Schools (DPOS).

This division is responsible for overseeing programs like the ones offered at Medical Sales College, which are focused on specific job skills rather than academic degrees.

What Will You Learn at Medical Sales College?

When you graduate from Medical Sales College, you’ll be ready to join a sales team and make a real impact from your first day on the job. During your time at the college, you’ll learn a range of important skills and knowledge areas, including:

  • Medical vocabulary
  • Human Anatomy
  • Biomechanics
  • Pathology
  • Surgical procedures and products
  • How to behave in an operating room
  • How to use diagnostic imaging tools
  • How to understand and profile surgeons
  • How to differentiate between different products
  • How to plan and execute a sales call
  • How to develop a competitive profile
  • How to start conversations and keep them going
  • How to move a sale forward
  • How to create a 30-60-90 day business plan
  • How to develop a sales territory
  • How to practice and improve your sales skills through role-play

In just a few weeks, you’ll have a deep understanding of your chosen specialization and what it takes to succeed in the world of medical device sales. You’ll have the confidence to have meaningful, valuable conversations with your surgeon customers.

Does Medical Sales College Offer Online Classes?

Yes, they do offer online classes. Their 8-week Online Orthobiologics Program includes 7 weeks of online study and 4 days of in-person classes at our Denver, CO location.

How the 12-week Hybrid Classes Are Structured

The 12-week Hybrid Programs are a mix of online and in-person classes. You’ll spend 3 weeks studying at home and 9 weeks on campus. The program is 440 hours in total, with 60 hours of distance learning and 380 hours of in-person classes. You’ll also get comprehensive training in two program specialties.

How the At-home Curriculum is Structured

For the “at-home” curriculum, you’ll receive materials to study on your own time throughout the week. For the 8-week Online Orthobiologics Program, you’ll need to join two webinar calls each week with your instructor and classmates. You’ll also have weekly homework assignments, including vocabulary exercises, anatomy studies, research activities, essays, and surgeon profiling.

Can I Work Full-time While I’m Completing the Program?

Yes, you can work full-time while completing the program. The 8-week Orthobiologics Hybrid program was designed with working individuals in mind. You’ll spend about 20 hours a week on the “at-home” portion of the program, but it’s self-paced, so you can adjust it to fit your schedule. It’s challenging, but definitely possible to work full-time while completing the 7 weeks of at-home study.

What is the Cost of the Program?

As for the cost of the program, it depends on which class you choose to enroll in. Please refer to our Tuition and Financing page for more details.

Unfortunately, Medical Sales College cannot process U.S. federal student aid because they are a Non-Title IV school. But you have other options, You can look into financing through Mertize Financial or use veteran benefits if you are eligible. You don’t have to pay everything at once, but you do need to put down a $500 deposit to hold your spot in the course. The full amount of the tuition should be paid at least 30 days before your class starts.

What is Medical Sales College Looking for in a Candidate?

There are a few things we consider when deciding whether to accept a candidate.

  1. Your background – We look at your past experiences. While you don’t need to have worked in medical sales, sales, or healthcare before, those experiences could help your application.
  2. Where you want to work – We also consider where you’d like to work after graduation. Sometimes, we have many applicants but only a few job openings in a particular area. In those cases, we might choose a candidate who would be the only one from our program applying for those jobs.
  3. How well you interview – Just like any other job interview, we want to find the best fit for our program. We pre-screen candidates to help our employer partners find the best medical sales professionals in the country.

Will I Earn a Degree When I Finish the Program?

No, you won’t receive a degree. Instead, you’ll get a Certificate of Completion when you graduate. This certificate shows that you’ve successfully finished a program at Medical Sales College. You don’t need any specific certification to work as a medical sales representative.

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