Is International University of Applied Sciences Legit?

Is International University of Applied Sciences legit? Yes, it is a legit university. Many people, particularly Germans, will discourage you from applying to this university because it is a private university. Private schools are known for their unreasonable costs in Germany, though they are not so expensive when compared to their US and UK counterparts. You may have to stay away if you have a tight budget; otherwise, it is a legit school and not a scam.

IU has two different university types: you can study in English or German. There are two web pages you can choose from if you want to study in German or English. If you want to study in German, go to If you want to study in English, go to There, you can find all the information in English or German accordingly.

The IU online program is 100% online. You do not have a single lecture or exam in person. Everything is done from home as long as you have a stable internet connection. You have different time models you can choose from, including full-time and part-time. Full-time is when you have a lot of time to study. With a full-time degree, you should be done with a bachelor’s degree within 36 months.

If you choose part-time, it’s most likely for people who do not have as much time to study every day or who work or have other obligations and cannot invest that much time each day into studying. The time modules vary here. For example, if you choose part-time, the bachelor’s degree will take you 48 months to complete.

Is International University of Applied Sciences Legit?

Yes, the International University of Applied Sciences is legit 100%. The average German will claim that it is expensive. That is because public schools are generally either very affordable or free in Germany.

An online degree can help you manage your work and school life better. However, it’s important to make sure the university you choose is a good one that will help you succeed in the future. IU International University of Applied Sciences is a good choice with a lot of accreditations and rankings.

International University of Applied Sciences Partner Institutions

UCLA Extension

IU partners with UCLA Extension through the IU Study Abroad Alliance. So, you can study in Los Angeles, California, and not only get your IU degree but also earn an extra certificate from UCLA.

British Columbia Institute of Technology

Thanks to the IU Study Abroad Alliance, you can start your degree online with IU and then finish your final year on campus at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) in Canada.

Cambridge Assessment International Education

The Cambridge Assessment International Education certification allows IU to offer you the opportunity to get both a high school diploma and a bachelor’s degree at the same time for free.

Structure of the Module or Course

The modules work in such a way that in a normal university, you do all your courses at the same time and write the exams in between. What IU recommends is that you choose one module, work on it, and write the exam, then start the next.

You access materials from an online portal, where you can also download them. Here, you can find the videos, access to the course feed, and everything. You will get access to that once you are enrolled in the International University of Applied Sciences. It’s really well structured. You register for a course, and then you have access to all the learning materials.

The learning materials consist of the script. You will get one script for every course. The script is about 100 to 200 pages long, and that will be the content of your exam or your written assignment. Your course books are really important. You will need to work through that if you want to pass your exams. You also have some other materials available, such as videos, podcasts, live session recordings, PowerPoint slides, and further reading recommendations. There’s a wide range of materials you can choose from, but again, the most important thing is the course book for every single course.

How About the Exams?

Exams are all taken online or submitted online. Depending on the module, you have either an essay you need to write, a case study, or a written assignment, or you get a normal exam. Some studies also offer the possibility of choosing between writing a case study, an assignment, or an exam. Sometimes you may be able to choose. For the exams, not all the courses include examinations. You may only get to do essays for some exams in courses such as English. Also, the exams are pretty simple.

You can choose the date whenever you want, be it on the weekend, in the week, at night, or during the day. You will just have this date set up. Up to 24 hours before the date, you can cancel your set date. Once you start your exam, you will connect with a supervisor. They ask some questions, such as showing around your room to make sure everything is okay.

You will record yourself with your screen camera, and you will record yourself from the back. Everything’s going according to plan, and they will be with you throughout the exam until you submit it. There’s also the possibility of doing some exams at some exam centers, but I think they are only available in Germany. Since it’s online, you would always want to choose online.

Let’s get to the advantages and disadvantages of this type of studying online at the International University of Applied Sciences.

Pros of International University of Applied Sciences

It is 100% Online and Flexible

Since it is online, it’s 100% flexible. You don’t have any time restrictions or deadlines. Also, you can set your time for yourself. Sometimes if you have a lot of work in one week and you don’t have time to study, you can just double it for the next week or just move around a bit. That’s all up to you.

The time flexibility allows you to work at the same time. Most of the students work and study at the same time. The study content is well-organized and understandable. It’s relevant to the business world itself. The autonomous learning style is basically the most beneficial thing about this university.

Flexible Courses

Every course offers live sessions, but they aren’t the typical university lectures. You get the live sessions, and it’s basically like 1 hour every 2 weeks. It’s not mandatory. You can participate, and if you don’t, nothing happens. That’s just the moment where you can ask your questions in person to a professor and interact a bit with the students.

Responsive Professors

You will get a link to your Microsoft Teams group, where all the communication for the course takes place. You can ask the professor questions, share WhatsApp groups, ask some students questions, etc. They work really well.  All the professors get back to the questions you send in. It’s well structured, and you can see the questions of other students that were asked previously. Many of your own questions will get answered just by reading through them.

Job Prospects

A degree from an accredited university will notify employers that you have received standard education and training for your job.

Good Quality Education

IU is an accredited university, which means that its education meets the standard. So, you can feel confident that the education you are getting is top-notch.

Transferable Credits

If you ever want to get more education, move to a different place, or study in another country, credits from an accredited university like the International University of Applied Sciences make it easier to transfer those credits to another school.

Cons of International University of Applied Sciences

No Physical Encouragement

Many of the advantages are also disadvantages, depending on your personality and your type of learning. For example, autonomous learning also forces you to push yourself. There will be nobody who will push you or set your deadline. There is nobody to say, “Okay, Mary, have you sent it now?” No, that is all up to you. You need to constantly push yourself to get everything done.

If you are an autonomous learner with self-motivation and self-discipline, you will have a good time at the IU. If you aren’t, reconsider studying for an online degree because you will need to work everything out by yourself.

There is No Social Contact

You do have some WhatsApp groups and course feeds on Microsoft Teams that you can participate in. However, you will not have the typical social contact you usually have in a normal university.

Since you can start this program anytime you want, many people start at some point throughout the year. Some have different types of time modules and others are all around the world, so you don’t have the same working times either. That makes it hard to stay in contact and just make real friends as you would in a physical university. The course feed is great for all technical questions and content-related questions. The WhatsApp groups are also a really good exchange channel. You can ask questions there and they will help you with everything.

No Proper Lectures

Another disadvantage is that there are no proper lectures as you know them in universities. You only have these Q&A sessions every two weeks. You will not have the typical professor who will stand in front of a class and explain how everything works. There are just these Q&A sessions where you can ask your questions. These sessions are usually an hour long, so it’s not enough time for all the questions to be answered in detail.

Expensive But Not Really

Normally, I should put the fee under the pros. However, German residents generally consider private schools expensive compared to public schools. If you reside in the US or the UK where school fees are generally expensive, then the International University of Applied Sciences fees are affordable.

So, price-wise, it depends on where you live if it’s an advantage or a disadvantage. If you happen to live in a country where you pay thousands of dollars each month to study, this university is pretty cheap. On the contrary, of course, if you study in Germany, where you pay about $100 for the entire semester, it’s quite pricey. That depends on your own circumstances. The tuition fees vary depending on the modules you choose. If you don’t live in Germany, you can get a 50% discount.

IU Has Global Recognition

Cambridge International School

IU is part of the Cambridge International School network. There are almost a million students in more than 10,000 Cambridge schools spread out across 160 countries. The curriculum is designed to push students to their limits, challenge them, and inspire them, no matter their abilities.

World Education Services (WES) – Canada and U.S.

WES Canada and the U.S. provide verified education credential assessments (ECA) for foreign degrees and certificates, and they recognize the International University of Applied Sciences. Therefore, as a graduate of the International University of Applied Sciences, you are eligible to work or study in Canada and the U.S. You can convert the IU degree into points according to Canadian academic standards in the Canadian Immigration Point System and the American Immigration Assessment Scheme.

Association of African Universities (AAU) Member

IU is the only university from Europe that is a part of the Association of African Universities (AAU). The AAU is a big network that includes more than 420 universities and research centers from all over Africa. It plays a key role in improving education in Africa, and its goal is to help Africa’s development by encouraging academic connections and collaboration among the knowledge networks in the region.

As a student at IU, you will have the chance to access AAU’s extensive database of student research. You can also share your own research and see the variety of research being done by African academics. You will be able to take part in AAU’s student exchange and scholarship programs.

Association of Indian Universities (AIU) Member

IU is a member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), the world’s biggest university group. The association even includes other foreign universities.

Ultimately, yes, the International University of Applied Sciences is legit. The decision is now yours to make.

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