Hardest Sorority to Get Into at Alabama 2024 [& Easiest]

Finding a house where you naturally fit will be the easiest for you, while those that don’t match your current vibe will be the hardest sorority to get into at Alabama. If you’re someone who takes time to warm up to people or tries too hard, you might find the process a bit more difficult. But don’t worry. Trust the process and explore all your options. In the end, you’ll find a home where you can be happy and comfortable.

Hardest Sorority to Get Into at Alabama

To establish this data, we delved deeper into what top-tier sisters have to say using forums such as Greek Rank and Reddit. So, you can trust that the information is based on real people’s experiences. But one thing we discovered is that “hardest is relative” and your vibes determine whether a particular house is suitable for you. And there is a higher chance that if you have good grades and “know people”, most top-tier houses will rush you. All that said, below is a list of the hardest sorority to get into at Alabama (not ranked in any particular order):

1. XO (Chi Omega)

Chi Omega is often cited as one of the hardest sororities to get into at Alabama. Some sisters suggest that if you’re a former Theta who quits before initiation, it’s easier to get into XO as a sophomore. However, there are conflicting opinions, with some arguing that XO is not as hard to get into as perceived.

Moreover, Chi Omega gives a strong Southern vibe but is also considered a bit granola. They are known for good grades and are highly involved on campus. They have a distinct personality that sets them apart from other sororities.

Website: www.chiomega.com

2. KD (Kappa Delta)

Kappa Delta is mentioned as potentially hard to get a bid from, especially if you don’t have connections to existing sisters. The perception of KD seems to be that connections play a significant role in the selection process, i.e., KD is hard to get a bid from just because they care more about where you are from and who you know – but they still are very selective. Also, they are recognized for having lots of money and are not considered very friendly. They party a lot and have a rich history, with strong influence from alumni.

Website: kappadelta.org

3. AXO (Alpha Chi Omega)

Alpha Chi Omega is known for being quite selective. The sorority is one that may drop candidates early in the process, making it challenging to get a bid. The reputation of being selective has been consistent across various sisters’ views.

Website: alphachiomega.org

4. DDD (Delta Delta Delta)

Delta Delta Delta’s (also known as Tri Delta) reputation varies among sisters. Some consider it one of the hardest houses to get bids from, while others argue that it’s not the hardest sorority to get into at Alabama. There have even been comments that DDD was on the COB list a couple of years ago, suggesting that it might not be as selective as some believe.

Tri Delta is a mixed bag, with a somewhat Southern focus. They recruit well-rounded girls who are smart, pretty, involved, and like to party. They are also highly involved with their philanthropy, making them stand out.

Website: tridelta.org

5. KKG (Kappa Kappa Gamma)

Another hardest sorority to get into at Alabama is Kappa Kappa Gamma, considered more open to out-of-state girls and those who wouldn’t usually go Old Row. Despite this, it’s still seen as one of the harder Old Row houses to get a bid from.

Some people suggest taking KKG off the list of the hardest sororities, as they perceive it to be more approachable.

Website: kappakappagamma.org

6. Alpha Gam

This sorority is known for being super religious and is considered the good girl on campus. It is highly involved in various activities and is recognized as a strong Southern sorority. Like Alpha Chi, Alpha Gam is not as exclusive as Kappa and KD but has a significant presence.

Website: alphagammadelta.org

7. PM (Phi Mu)

Phi Mu could also easily be one of the hardest sororities to get into. However, it’s also associated with drama, according to some people. The perception of Phi Mu seems to be mixed, with some predicting it will be hard to get into in Fall.

Also, Phi Mu is known for its beautiful, pageant-girl-type members. Many of the girls are from the Southern region, but there is also a significant presence from out of state. They are considered attractive and have a unique charm – perhaps, the reason for their “dramatic” nature.

Website: phimu.org

8. ZTA (Zeta Tau Alpha)

Now, to ZTA, Zeta Tau Alpha is seen as competitive, especially for non-Southern out-of-state students. Some of our respondents’ comments indicate that ZTA has been trending more Southern recently, making it more selective for certain groups of students.

Website: zetataualpha.org

9. Pi Phi

Pi Phi is mentioned by multiple respondents as “possibly” the hardest sorority to get into at Alabama, and one of the houses that dropped them off on the first day. While not much additional information is provided, the comments we gathered suggest that Pi Phi also has a selective process.

Website: pibetaphi.org

10. Phi Mu and Zeta

Both Phi Mu and Zeta are predicted to be hard to get into in Fall. This prediction seems to be based on trends and changes within the sorority community, reflecting the dynamic nature of the selection process.

Website: zetaalpha.phimu.org

11. Sigma Kappa, DZ, DG, AOPI

These houses are not particularly known for anything specific. DG, AOPi, and DZ are described as having girl-next-door vibes, each in a different way.

12. Zeta

Zeta has grown significantly and is considered one of the best houses on campus. They are not focused on grades but have excellent retention rates during recruitment. They are known for their beautiful, outgoing girls.

13. Alpha Phi

Alpha Phi is similar to Zeta but has faced multiple racist scandals in the past. They recruit pretty girls but don’t care about grades. They have been last in grades for several semesters and have a poor retention rate.

Website: alphaphi.org

14. Adpi & Pi Phi

Both Adpi and Pi Phi are great houses, with Adpi being more southern. They recruit from all over and are involved on campus with good grades. They have a strong sisterhood within the houses.

15. Gamma Phi & Theta

These sororities have improved a lot and were once considered the bottom two. They have changed their recruiting strategies, and it shows in their new pledge classes.

Easiest Sorority to Get into at Alabama

So, we also explored the easiest sorority to join in Alabama. Note that you might still find a couple of what we enlisted initially as “hardest” but this is down to the sisters’ opinions – not ours.

1. AP, DZ, Theta, and AOPi

According to one of the respondents, these houses are considered the easiest to get a bid from at the University of Alabama, suggesting that these sororities are more open and accommodating compared to others. But it does not mean that they take in anything they see.

2. KKG

Another respondent mentions that KKG (Kappa Kappa Gamma) is one of the easier Old Row houses to get a bid from “because they don’t care as much about where you’re from compared to other houses”.

3. Sigma Kappa, Gamma Phi, & ADPi

These sororities are mentioned as probable choices for someone with average grades and looks. However, it is noted that ADPi and GPhi might be slightly harder to get into.

4. Alpha Phi or Gamma Phi Beta

Alpha Phi and Gamma Phi Beta are mentioned as an option for the easiest sorority to get into at Alabama, with Sigma Kappa being a little easier in the next two or three years since they’re new and building. However, some disagreed about Gamma Phi Beta, saying they’ve become more selective.

5. Younger Houses on Campus

The younger houses on campus might be a good option as they don’t have multiple generations of legacies to compete with. You’ll still need to meet minimum academic requirements, and being above the minimum is beneficial. Financial considerations might also play a role, as some houses are more expensive than others.

In general, most people emphasize that the ease of getting into a sorority may depend on your preferences and how well you fit into the house’s current vibe. The advice is to trust the process and go where you feel comfortable.

How Much Does it Cost to Be in a Sorority in Alabama?

We will be a bit detailed, but first, the cost of joining a sorority at the University of Alabama depends on several factors. Here’s a detailed look at the costs.

Registration Fee for Sorority Recruitment

The recruitment registration fee covers various expenses such as publications, facility usage, transportation, security, and recruitment t-shirts. For the 2023 Sorority Recruitment, the registration fee is:

  • Registration Fee: $375.00 (non-refundable)

Cost of Being a Member of a Sorority at UA

Sorority members pay dues each semester, and the costs can be broken down into different categories. It’s essential to note that the first semester is usually the most expensive due to one-time new member fees.

Living In-House Fees (per semester)

This includes room, chapter meal plan, local chapter fees, and national fees.

  • High: $8,572.00
  • Average: $7,355.82

Living Out-Of-House Fees (per semester)

This includes chapter meal plan, local chapter fees, and national fees.

  • High: $4,575.00
  • Average: $3,696.35

New Member/First Year Fees (per semester)

This includes chapter meal plan, local chapter fees, national fees, and one-time fees associated with pledging and initiation.

  • High: $4,978.00
  • Average: $4,165.59

Essential Meal Plan

First-year students at UA are automatically assigned an All Access meal plan. If a student pledges a sorority with an in-house kitchen requiring a meal plan, the meal plan can be reduced to the Essential Meal Plan. Any credit difference between the two plans will be applied to any outstanding balance on the student account.

Additional Considerations

  • Financial Management: Many sororities use financial management companies, offering online access and monthly payment plans.
  • Housing Arrangements: Semester fees vary by sorority and depend on housing arrangements.
  • Individual Chapter Fees: Specific breakdowns for individual chapter fees for 2023-2024 can be accessed through the university’s Panhellenic Association website.

You can say that the cost of joining a sorority at the University of Alabama is a “financial commitment”.  So, consider the costs, including registration fees, membership dues, housing, and meal plans before Bama Rush.

Frequently Asked Questions

Having identified the hardest sorority to get into at Alabama (following real people’s comments), we identified some commonly asked questions you may also have in mind.

Is it hard to get into a sorority at University of Alabama?

“Hard” is relative. While we can’t exactly say how hard, here are tabulated factors that determine how hard it can be to get into a sorority at the University of Alabama.

Number of applicants High number of applicants can increase competition.
Sorority reputation and popularity Some sororities may have more stringent requirements due to reputation or focus areas.
Recruitment process A formal and structured process that includes multiple rounds and can be intense.
Academic requirements Good grades and academic commitment may be required.
Your connections and recommendations Connections and recommendations can influence but are not guarantees.
Financial considerations Understanding and meeting financial obligations is essential.
Personal qualities and involvement Well-rounded individuals with community service, leadership, and alignment with values are preferred.

What is the top tier sorority at Alabama?

Based on popularity rating:

  1. Gamma Phi Beta: 75.34
  2. Kappa Alpha Theta: 74.93
  3. Alpha Delta Pi: 73.48

Based on average GPA:

  1. Alpha Gamma Delta: GPA 3.83
  2. Alpha Chi Omega: GPA 3.77
  3. Chi Omega: GPA 3.71

Based on number of active members:

  1. Kappa Delta: 426 members
  2. Alpha Chi Omega: 424 members
  3. Phi Mu: 421 members

Based on houses:

Sorority Size (sq ft)
Alpha Chi Omega 40,000 Largest sorority house, featuring 38 bedrooms, sleeping 76 women, with Greek-style architecture.
Gamma Phi Beta 40,000 Ties with Alpha Chi Omega, capable of sleeping over 68 women, with modern technologies.
Pi Beta Phi 40,000 Newly constructed, features dining area seating over 250 people, sleeping 63 women.
Phi Mu 39,444 One of the most expensive constructions, costing $13 million, housing 68 women.
Delta Gamma 34,800 Fourth largest, with several social areas, dining area seating above 70 people.

However, there’s no official ranking of the sororities at University of Alabama. But it is widely accepted that there are top-tier houses like Zeta Tau Alpha, Phi Mu, and Alpha Deta Phi considered the most desirable sororities.

Which sorority house is the biggest at Alabama?

The largest sorority house at the University of Alabama is the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority House. It spans an impressive 40,000 square feet, making it the largest sorority on campus. The design of the house is a historic reproduction based on the Scamozzi Order of Charleston’s 18th Century buildings.

Read also: Non Collegiate Sororities [No College Required]

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