Canada Student Visa Interview Questions and Answers

If Canada is your preferred study destination, congrats on a solid decision. Canada is generally the go-to for many international students. However, it can be fairly difficult to get a visa approval. One of the stages you need to beat, and a very decisive one, is the student visa interview. So, in this post, we will be talking about the Canada student visa interview questions and answers. As of 2024, the Canada student visa acceptance rate is 68%—not the best number compared to countries like Spain and Australia. However, this figure fluctuates throughout the year and depends on your country but it’s generally above 60%.

It’s 2024, and Canada put a cap on study permits, which means only about 360,000 study permits will be approved in 2024. This is a 35% decrease from the number approved in 2023. So, the competition for Canadian student visas is fiercer now.

If you are an international student planning to study in Canada, you’ll encounter a border official at the airport upon arrival. There’s no set number of questions they might ask. Your responses, body language, and interaction can influence the number of additional questions they ask. These officials often have training in psychology, so your non-verbal cues matter. In this post, we’ll share tips on answering these questions. However, this isn’t a definitive guide on the exact questions or responses. You don’t need to repeat answers exactly as given. It’s more about understanding the kind of responses you can give and answering the questions naturally.

Canada Student Visa Interview Questions and Answers

Canada Student Visa Interview Questions and Answers

I’m not a licensed immigration consultant or a government employee. My insights come from my personal experience as a former international student in Canada and from recent students’ experiences. I’ve talked to them about the questions they faced and their responses. This post aims to help you prepare for what you might be asked. Let’s dive into the questions, and I’ll be sharing from my personal perspective.

1. Why are you visiting Canada?

We are going to look at 12 Canada student visa interview questions and answers. The first question they normally ask is, “Why are you visiting Canada?” The immigration officer wants to know your purpose in Canada. As a student, you should be ready to talk about your studies and your school. This means knowing the name of your school, the program you are enrolled in, its start date, and its duration. For example, if it’s an 8-month course, say so. If it’s a 2-year program, mention that. It’s good to know some details about your courses and when your school term begins.

2. Where will you be staying in Canada?

This question is common for visitors, but for international students, your answer should focus on your accommodation plans. You should know where you’ll be living, like a dorm or a homestay, and have the address ready. For instance, if you’re staying on campus, say that. If you have arranged accommodation elsewhere, like a paid Airbnb, have the details and proof of payment handy. If staying with family or friends, be prepared to provide their information. This shows the immigration officer you have a clear plan for your stay in Canada.

3. Do you have enough funds to support yourself during your stay in Canada?

One of the Canada student visa interview questions to expect is about your funding. The immigration officer asks this to ensure you can financially sustain yourself in Canada. You should be ready to show bank statements or other financial evidence. Canada might be one of the well-to-do countries but they are not willing to add to their financial strain.

Many students have sponsors for their studies in Canada. If that’s your case, have your sponsor’s details and information about how much they are contributing. If your sponsor is your parent, that’s often seen as more straightforward. But if you are sponsored by other relatives or someone not related to you, be prepared to explain your relationship with them and why they are sponsoring you, as this could raise questions.

4. Do you have family or friends in Canada?

This helps them understand your connections in Canada. If you have family or friends here, be ready to provide their names and details. Usually, this is an advantage because the officer believes that with your family on this side, you should not find it difficult to settle in.

5. What is your educational background?

As an international student, the immigration officer will assess your previous studies and qualifications. This is particularly relevant if your chosen field of study in Canada doesn’t align with your past education. For instance, if you have studied accounting and are now pursuing nursing, this might prompt further questions due to the lack of direct connection between the fields. Be prepared to explain your qualifications and why you are choosing a specific program to study in Canada.

6. What is the purpose of your visit to Canada?

This turns out to be one of the Canada student visa interview questions and answers. It’s the number 6 we are lol at here. As an international student, your response should focus on your academic intentions. The immigration officer is looking to understand why you’re coming to Canada. Be ready to talk about your studies, the educational institution you’ll be attending, and your attendance dates. You should have your acceptance letter and any other relevant documents ready to show. Your answer should be clear and concise to show your seriousness about studying in Canada. Remember to be polite and earnest in your response, as this demonstrates your commitment to pursuing higher education in Canada.

7. Which university or college have you applied to?

You will also be questioned about the university or college you applied to. The visa officer wants to confirm that you are enrolled in a legitimate, recognized educational institution in Canada. You should know the name and address of your university or college. If you are attending a college, be aware of its Designated Learning Institution (DLI) number. If it’s a satellite campus, mention its specific location. Be prepared with any correspondence you have had with the school, as it might help in answering further questions related to your educational plans.

8. What program or course have you enrolled in?

With this question, the immigration officers want to confirm that you have a specific study plan in Canada. Be ready to mention the name of the program or course you’ll be studying, along with any important details about it. For instance, you could say, “I have enrolled in a Human Resources Management course at Conestoga College.”

9. Why did you choose this particular university, college, and program?

At number 9, you will be asked Canada student visa interview questions about your university of choice. I always advise students to refer to their statement of purpose here, explaining their motivation and objectives for studying in Canada. You should be able to articulate why you chose this specific institution and program. Mention any research or academic interests that influenced your decision. For example, you could say, “I chose this university for its high ranking and academic excellence in my field of study,” or “I enrolled in this program because it aligns with my career goal of becoming a skilled human resources manager.”

10. How will you support your education and living expenses in Canada?

The tenth Canada student visa interview questions and answers that you will be asked are about funding for your education and living expenses. The immigration officer asks this question to ensure you can financially support your education and living expenses. Remember, the minimum living expense for an international student is $10,000. If you are accompanied by your spouse, add $4,000, and $3,000 for each child. So, for a student with a spouse and one child, it totals $17,000. For two children, it’s $20,000. Be prepared to show your financial resources, such as bank statements or scholarships. The officer needs to know you won’t need government support and can cover your education, accommodation, food, phone bills, transportation, and other living expenses.

11. Have you ever been refused a visa to Canada or any other country before?

Here, honesty is very important. The immigration officer will be checking your immigration history and any past visa refusals. They likely already have this information, so it’s important to be truthful and provide details about any previous denials. Explain the reasons for past refusals and emphasize that you’ve learned from those experiences and are committed to adhering to immigration regulations. For instance, you might say, “I was denied for specific reasons, but I have since rectified these issues.”

12. Do you have any criminal record?

Finally, you will be asked about your criminal record. When asked about criminal records, the officer is trying to check if you have a history of crime or outstanding charges that could be a threat to Canadian society. Again, be honest and give clear details about your background. This is your opportunity to show that you are a responsible, law-abiding individual.

Tips for Canada Student Visa Interview

Aside from mastering how you will attempt the Canada student visa interview questions and answers, you still to arm yourself with these few tips:

  1. Dress appropriately for your appointment. Your appearance can impact the officer’s perception of you.
  2. Be respectful and courteous. Maintain eye contact during the interview to show you’re not trying to hide anything. Avoid looking away or appearing distracted, as it might be interpreted as dishonesty or evasion.
  3. Bring all necessary documents, like your passport and study permit. It’s better to be over-prepared than to arrive with incomplete documents.
  4. Be honest and upfront. Don’t lie, as officers can often tell.
  5. Provide clear and concise answers. Answer the question asked without adding unnecessary details.


So, there you go, the common Canada student visa interview questions and answers that you will be asked by the visa officer. You have to attempt your answers naturally, meaning that you don’t need any sort of script whatsoever. The Canada visa interview can be a tough nut to crack. I understand this firsthand from my own experience. However, with the right preparation, you can beat this interview easily. Make sure to have all your documents in order, answer honestly, and respond to the immigration officers clearly and succinctly. Dress appropriately and maintain a courteous demeanor during your interview. You’ll be able to answer all the questions the immigration officers throw at you without any trouble and gain entry into Canada if you are prepared.

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