Can I Get Paid to Go to School in 2024?

A lot of us do have what it takes to go to school, but the cost can be discouraging. So, you are left looking for ways to go to school with sponsorship or whatever reasonable means. So, can I get paid to go to school? Yes, and today, I’m going to explain how I get paid to go to college. It might sound unbelievable, but it’s true. I’ll take you through my finances in detail to show you how I end up getting a check from the University of Oregon, where I study, every month. I’m glad you are here, so let’s get in.

I’m eager to share with you how I get paid money while studying, but I need to clarify something. This isn’t about showing off at all. I don’t benefit from sharing my college payment methods and personal financial details. My aim is simply to be helpful. I made this article to offer value to anyone reading it. If it helps even one person who thinks they can’t afford college and changes their mind, then writing this article is totally worth it for me.

Cost of College in 2024

Earlier, I said that you can get paid to be in school. I’m going to start by explaining the costs of going to the University of Oregon, where I’m studying, for example. If you check out the University of Oregon’s cost of attendance, you’ll find that the cost for a resident of the state is $35,721. This includes about $15,669 for tuition and fees, which is the usual amount for new undergrads. Then, there is around $15,840 for room and board, making the total $31,509. These are average figures, but from what I’ve seen, they are pretty accurate. The cost can vary a bit depending on where you live and how many classes you take, but these numbers are generally right. The total cost is up to $35,721 when you include costs such as books, study materials, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses. For a non resident, you are looking at $64,302.

But really, the main extra cost related to studying is for books and supplies. Personal and travel costs are more flexible and not as tied to college life. For instance, I’d still have these expenses even if I wasn’t in college, like hanging out with friends or driving to a job instead of walking to class. However, books and supplies are closely linked to your studies, so they’re important to consider. They’re estimated to be about $1,320.

If you have been to college or are currently attending, you probably know that students don’t usually buy every textbook recommended by their professors. From my own experience, I’ve bought textbooks less than a third of the time. I mainly purchase them if they come with an activation code for an online course or for a particularly tough class. So, I’m going to reduce the estimated cost for books and supplies to around $700. With this adjustment, the total yearly cost for an in-state student comes to about $35,721.

Now that we have sorted out the cost of attending college, let’s look at my personal financial situation and the ways I can afford college. The first and most obvious method is scholarships.

Can I Get Paid to Go to School in 2024?

You can 100% get paid to go to school in 2024. There are loads of scholarships available, not just from schools. Many big companies and even individual donors offer scholarships. For example, there are scholarships for things like Minecraft and even knitting. If you meet the requirements, you just need to apply and hope for the best. Websites like Fastweb provide links to many small scholarships, like $1,000 to $2,000 ones that don’t require an essay, and also to larger scholarships that do. The emails from these sites can be a bit overwhelming, but they help in finding these opportunities.

There are also other options, like jobs at the university. Being a Resident Assistant (RA) or a Teaching Assistant (TA) often comes with benefits like paying a part of your tuition or room and board. If you have a scholarship and also become an RA or TA, you can save the extra money for later. We also have work-study programs run by companies. In these programs, you agree to work for the company for a certain period, and in return, they pay for your education to qualify you for the job.

1. Obtain a Scholarship

A scholarship is the most common way you can get paid to go to school. When I applied to the University of Oregon in high school, I got the Summit Scholarship because of my high GPA, which gives me $6,000 every year. But that’s not all. I also applied for several other scholarships when I applied to U of O and, to my surprise, I received the Presidential Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to 50 new freshmen each year and is worth $9,000 annually. I never expected to get it, and I want to tell high schoolers reading this, seriously, to apply for as many scholarships as you can. You never know what might happen. I’m a living example of how sometimes things work out better than you expect.

So, my accountant has been keeping track, and it turns out that all my scholarships together are worth about $17,000 each year. I said before that my tuition costs about $15,669. Since my scholarships can’t be more than my tuition, they only cut down my yearly tuition cost to that amount. But the good thing is, I can take extra classes up to $15k without any extra cost, and that’s why I added a minor.

2. Get a Job or Become an RA

Now, I still have to deal with the $15,840 for room and board. Luckily, I’ve got that covered because I work as a Resident Assistant, or RA. You might know what an RA is, but if not, they are basically student leaders who live in the dorms. They do things like one-on-one meetings, handle emergencies, and are often known for having to report students for rule-breaking. I really enjoyed being an RA. For anyone trying to figure out how to pay for college, I really recommend becoming an RA. It’s not based on grades such as scholarships and the benefits are great for the work you put in.

So, as I finish up this article, I’m still facing a $500 expense for books and supplies. But what many people may not realize is that being an RA (Resident Assistant) comes with a $600 stipend throughout the academic year. This means that after you pay off the $500 for books and supplies, you end up with an extra $100. As I mentioned before, it is a way to get paid to go to college.

Don’t Hesitate to Go to the University

My main point in this article is to reach out to those who might be hesitating to go to university because of financial concerns, or those considering community college for the same reason. Going to a community college is definitely a smart way to cut down college costs, and then transfer to a university after 1 year. However, if you can find yourself in a situation like mine, it’s totally doable to go to a 4-year university without a huge financial burden. And for those already planning on a four-year university, don’t rule out the chance of graduating without debt.

I also want to mention that I haven’t talked about side hustles yet, which are a big part of this channel. They are a great way to help get paid to go to college. I have a bonus tip for those looking for free housing. Take a look at the Evans Scholarship. It’s not very well known, but it offers 4 years of free housing for caddies. I really wish I had applied for it myself. It’s not just at the University of Oregon, where they have a beautiful house, but it’s also available at 17 other top universities in the U.S., so be sure to check that out.

Read alsoBrutal Reality of Transferring from CC to a University

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