Apple Grants for Nonprofits

Apple is not just a big name in tech and innovations but also a big name in giving. Today, we have various Apple grants for nonprofits, intended to encourage these organizations to keep up the good.

One very prominent announcement is Apple’s Racial Equity and Justice Initiative (REJI). This program was set up to improve fairness and create more chances for Black, Hispanic/Latinx, and Indigenous people worldwide. Apple has been really committed to this cause, putting in over $200 million in the past three years. REJI was started in June 2020 and has since been working to support nonprofits, education, help people get better jobs, etc.

Apple’s REJI

REJI came about at a very important time in the U.S., when a lot of people were protesting against racial unfairness. Apple had already been trying to help people from groups that don’t always get the same opportunities. REJI became a step to do even more.

Making the world fairer and more equal is really important and needs everyone to work together. Apple is working with lots of nonprofits to stop injustice and make it easier for people to succeed.

Apple’s REJI program has supported more than 160,000 students by offering courses and activities outside of school. They’ve also donated over $50 million to Black and Hispanic colleges to improve learning in areas like science, technology, arts, and math. REJI isn’t just about education, though. They also help businesses and entrepreneurs who are Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous by funding different financial groups. This includes nonprofits that invest in these communities, as well as banks and institutions that focus on community development.

Regarding the criminal justice system, REJI has reached over 19,000 people, providing them with legal help, safe places to live, help getting identification, healthcare, and other things they need to get back into society.

Apple’s Partnership with My Brother’s Keeper Alliance

Apple also announced its partnership with My Brother’s Keeper Alliance (MBKA), a program of the Obama Foundation. Apple will provide support and funding to help people of color.

They will train community leaders and MBKA staff, expand programs for these young people, and give grants to communities. As part of Apple grants for nonprofits, they plan to train over 500 leaders and engage more than 50,000 youth across the U.S.

Increase Investments in Minority Businesses

Apple recently announced that it’s giving another $25 million to three venture capital funds:

  1. Collab Capital
  2. Harlem Capital
  3. VamosVentures

The funds will help businesses owned by minorities. With this latest investment, Apple has now put a total of $50 million into venture capital and over $100 million into various financing efforts. These Apple grants for nonprofits are meant to support businesses and financial institutions that align with its mission.

These investments are still part of Apple’s REJI initiative, which stands for Racial Equity and Justice Initiative. The main goal is to tackle the big, deep-rooted problems that make it hard for certain groups to get access to resources.

Apple’s REJI is Global

Apple’s REJI is not just present in the U.S. but is also growing its efforts around the world. Recently, Apple started projects in New Zealand and Australia.

New Zealand Nonprofits

In New Zealand, Apple is teamed up with Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills & Technology, the biggest vocational education organization in the country. The focus was to train teachers to help Māori and Pasifika students, who are underrepresented groups.

Australia Nonprofits

In Australia, Apple’s REJI has been active since August 2022. They started by giving money to nonprofit programs and organizations that help Indigenous communities. Some of these include Deadly Connections, ID. Know Yourself, First Australians Capital, and the Art Gallery of NSW’s Djamu Youth Justice program. Apple’s REJI has also helped Original Power. Now, they’re giving more money to the Karrkad Kanjdji Trust run by the Traditional Owners of the Warddeken and Djelk Indigenous Protected Areas.

Apple grants for nonprofits and environmental justice are also backing the Women Rangers program in Australia.

UK Nonprofits

Apple teamed up with the Southbank Centre in the U.K. to start a program called “Reframe: The Residency.” This program is specially made to help Black people who want to be artists but find it difficult. In May, they picked the first group of people for this program from three cities: London, Birmingham, and Manchester. These artists will get to show their art at a free event starting on July 18 at the Southbank Centre.

Part of this program, named “Inspire Schools,” also works with schools. They help students learn by creating digital magazines about the climate crisis.

Mexico Nonprofits

Meanwhile, in Mexico, Apple is continuing its work to educate communities through its Community Education Initiative. They have partnered with Enactus to grow their iOS Development Labs. These labs teach people how to code using Swift, which is important for making apps for iPhones and iPads.

They’re focusing on helping people get ready for jobs in Mexico’s growing app industry. Apple has also opened two new labs in Tijuana and Chiapas.

Apple Grants for Nonprofits

Propel Program

Apple started this program to support historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). This summer, they’re launching “Propel Learn,” a platform offering hands-on learning, career opportunities, and special qualifications tailored for the HBCU community.

New Silicon Initiative

This initiative at HBCUs is preparing students for careers in hardware technology, computer architecture, and silicon chip design. Apple has given grants to Alabama A&M University, Howard University, Morgan State University, and Prairie View A&M University. These Apple grants for nonprofits help these schools build their engineering programs with help from Apple experts.

Global HSI Equity Innovation Hub

Apple funded this hub at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) to help Hispanic/Latinx and other traditionally underserved students get skills in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The hub is a collaboration with other California State University campuses and Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) across the U.S.

Economic Empowerment

Apple is working with a financial technology company called CNote to support banks and credit unions that help people with lower incomes, particularly in Black and Brown communities. This collaboration involves putting money into these institutions, which they use to fund affordable housing and small businesses. This approach is aimed at offering a fair alternative to high-cost loans that can be harmful to these communities.

Apple has also created the Impact Accelerator program, which is focused on Black, Hispanic/Latinx, and Indigenous businesses that offer environmental solutions and services. This 12-week program is designed to help businesses grow.

Apple also runs the Entrepreneur Camp, which supports entrepreneurs and app developers from underrepresented groups, including Hispanic/Latinx, Black, and female founders. This camp provides technical training, individual guidance on app development, and access to a global network.

Criminal Justice Reform

Apple is tackling the problem of systemic racism by focusing on inequalities in the justice system that mostly affect Black, Hispanic/Latinx, and Indigenous people. They have partnered with several community colleges, including those in Los Angeles, New Orleans, and Houston.

Also, Apple grants for nonprofits support groups that work towards fairness and justice. These include the Anti-Recidivism Coalition, Defy Ventures, Vera Institute of Justice, and The Last Mile. These organizations help improve justice and provide more opportunities for people who have been affected by the criminal justice system.

Final Thoughts

Apple is working to make sure everyone is treated fairly and with respect, especially people from different races and backgrounds.

They focus on giving Apple grants for nonprofits to groups led by minorities who are working on making the environment better and fairer for everyone. This movement will help train new leaders who care about the environment.

Read alsoApple Family and Friends Discount for 2024

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